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419 results
  • A leering bear with soiled clerical bands, a pot of beer and a club is pictured behind a dog urinating on pamphlets. Engraving by T. Cook after W. Hogarth.
  • Über die Blutgefässe des menschlichen Rückenmarkes : Nach einer im XV. Bande der Math. Naturw. Classe der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Krakau erschienenen Monographie, aus dem Polnischen übers / [Henryk Kadyi].
  • Spanish amulets; stones. Milky agate beads; red and white agates and other stones; banded agate; various hard tsones; 2 hexagonal arnelians; hexagonal rock-crystal; chiastoli 3 sided pebble; fibrolite celt.
  • A snake, slender and green in colour, with a darker zig-zag marking along its back and bands of pink running along each side of the upper body. Watercolour, ca. 1795.
  • John Mitchel striding to his trial in the middle of a marching band: the trombonist has accidentally knocked over the triangle-player in front. Letterpress and wood engraving after J. Leech, 1848.
  • A wedding procession: the bridegroom sits on a horse surrounded by a large crowd carrying decorations and pennants, accompanied by a band of musicians. Gouache painting on mica by an Indian artist.
  • Hearing aid for constant use. Two light cornets of imitation tortoiseshell joined by metal spring forming a head-band. Introduction of this form of instrument attributed to Napoleon's surgeon D. J. Larrey (1776-1842).
  • A woman wearing a decorative dress and head band waves a large flag bearing the words 'Stop AIDS Now'; an advertisement for Women Unite Against AIDS by the Johannesburg City AIDS Prevention Programme. Colour lithograph by Charlotte Preden, ca. 1990's.
  • A young woman with her head thrown back wearing a band in her hair representing a woman with AIDS, a painting by a 19 year old haemophiliac who died of AIDS; an advertisement for Children Living in a World with AIDS, ca. 1997.
  • French savants huddled together at the top of a column, while a band of Bedouin Arabs set fire to it below; exaggerating the troubled experience of the 'Commission des Sciences et des Arts' during Napoleon's invasion of Egypt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • French savants huddled together at the top of a column, while a band of Bedouin Arabs set fire to it below; exaggerating the troubled experience of the 'Commission des Sciences et des Arts' during Napoleon's invasion of Egypt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • French savants huddled together at the top of a column, while a band of Bedouin Arabs set fire to it below; exaggerating the troubled experience of the 'Commission des Sciences et des Arts' during Napoleon's invasion of Egypt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • Banded iron formations (BIFs) contain well developed iron-rich thin alternating layers or laminations as seen here. This formation occurs due to the lack of burrowing species in the Precambrian period in which this sedimentary rock was created. The name comes from the various coloured layers.
  • Banded iron formations (BIFs) contain well developed iron-rich thin alternating layers or laminations as seen here. This formation occurs due to the lack of burrowing species in the Precambrian period in which this sedimentary rock was created. The name comes from the various coloured layers.
  • A Tinguian making an offering to the guardian stones. The stones, in which the guardian spirits are supposed to live, are, before certain ceremonies, tied up with bark-like bands and rubbed with oil. Then the blood for a pig is mixed with rice which is scattered before them.
  • Galvanic anti-neuralgic headband made up of a series of 24 alternate zinc and copper discs mounted onto a felt and ribbon band. The headband was tied around the head, with the discs resting on the temples, where perspiration would act on the discs by producing a mild galvanic current
  • Galvanic anti-neuralgic headband made up of a series of 24 alternate zinc and copper discs mounted onto a felt and ribbon band. The headband was tied around the head, with the discs resting on the temples, where perspiration would act on the discs by producing a mild galvanic current
  • A woman wearing an extraordinarily high wig decorated with beads and lace, discusses her head-dress while taking tea with a man sitting opposite who wears a legal tie wig, gown and bands; on the wall is a framed picture of two monkeys sitting at a table drinking tea. Mezzotint, 1772.
  • Galvanic anti-neuralgic headband made up of a series of 24 alternate zinc and copper discs mounted onto a felt and ribbon band. The headband was tied around the head, with the discs resting on the temples, where perspiration would act on the discs by producing a mild galvanic current
  • Galvanic anti-neuralgic headband made up of a series of 24 alternate zinc and copper discs mounted onto a felt and ribbon band. The headband was tied around the head, with the discs resting on the temples, where perspiration would act on the discs by producing a mild galvanic current
  • A woman wearing an extraordinarily high wig decorated with beads and lace, discusses her head-dress while taking tea with a man sitting opposite who wears a legal tie wig, gown and bands; on the wall is a framed picture of two monkeys sitting at a table drinking tea. Mezzotint, 1772.
  • Galvanic anti-neuralgic headband made up of a series of 24 alternate zinc and copper discs mounted onto a felt and ribbon band. The headband was tied around the head, with the discs resting on the temples, where perspiration would act on the discs by producing a mild galvanic current
  • A woman in a black and white dress singing next to a microphone with a man as their band members play the drums and guitar in the background; an advertisement for support for those with AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • A young man in a white vest and blue trousers wearing wrist bands sits on a bench with a woman and a black bearded man either side and a crowd of people standing behind; representation of a man not alone with AIDS; an advertisement for the Portuguese League Against AIDS. Colour lithograph by Ihood (?), 1993.
  • A group of gay men including a transvestite, a black man and a man in a wheelchair sit having a picnic on a check blanket in a field with the message: "Familien-Bande"; an advertisement for the support services for all those affected by AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Michael Taubenheim and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy - normal female, chromosomes have been highlighted by a fluorescent probe for exon 45/47 (note the double yellow band). This disorder is caused by a recessive gene on the X chromosome, so is normally shown only by males, who lack a second X chromosome. The condition starts with difficulty in walking and climbing stairs in early childhood, usually resulting in confinement to a wheelchair by the age of 10, with death from respiratory infection or cardiac failure by about the age of 20.
  • Degeneration of collagen fibrils
  • Degenerating collagen fibrils in glaucoma
  • Collagen fibrils
  • Type II collagen fibril in vitro