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571 results
  • Burroughs Wellcome & Co. sex hormones in veterinary practice / Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (The Wellcome Foundation Ltd.)
  • Advert from Lancet "Burroughs Wellcome & co...", 1918
  • Advert from Lancet "Burroughs Wellcome & Co", 1918
  • Advert from Lancet "Burroughs Wellcome & Co", 1918
  • Advert from Lancet "Burroughs Wellcome & Co", 1918
  • Burroughs Wellcome, New York.
  • Burroughs Wellcome exhibition, 1911.
  • Burroughs Wellcome exhibition, 1911.
  • Burroughs Wellcome exhibition, 1911.
  • Burroughs Wellcome exhibition, 1911.
  • Early Burroughs, Wellcome products.
  • Burroughs Wellcome delivery men
  • Burroughs Wellcome exhibition, 1911.
  • 'Dermynox' / Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (The Wellcome Foundation Ltd.)
  • 'Dermynox' / Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (The Wellcome Foundation Ltd.)
  • Silas Mainville Burroughs, founder member of Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
  • Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Cairo.
  • Burroughs Wellcome advertisement, Tabloid pr
  • Advertisement, ergot, Burroughs Wellcome, 1929
  • Burroughs Wellcome and Company product:
  • Burroughs Wellcome price list, 1885-1891
  • Advertisement for insulin, Burroughs Wellcome, 1930
  • Burroughs Wellcome price list, 1885-1891
  • Emprazil tablets: Burroughs Wellcome and Company
  • Tabloid product: Burroughs Wellcome and Company
  • Sketofax: Burroughs Wellcome and Company product
  • Sketofax: Burroughs Wellcome and Company product
  • Sketofax: Burroughs Wellcome and Company product
  • Tabloid product: Burroughs Wellcome and Company
  • Sketofax: Burroughs Wellcome and Company product