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12 results
  • Rio de Janeiro: young children are being sold as slaves to men in cloaks and wide hats. Aquatint by Edward Finden, 1824, after Augustus Earle, ca. 1820.
  • Rio de Janeiro: young children are being sold as slaves to men in cloaks and wide hats. Aquatint by Edward Finden, 1824, after Augustus Earle, ca. 1820.
  • Recife, Brazil: a street with men in high hats and uniform pointing out with long sticks the slaves they wish to purchase. Aquatint by Edward Finden after Augustus Earle.
  • Dressed as a beadle Joseph Hume kicks over a basket containing oranges, the wares of the Duke of Cumberland who is dressed as a female street seller. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • George Grenville, Lord Bute and the Duke of Bedford dance on the tombstone of the Duke of Cumberland to the tune of the devil playing the bagpipes. Etching, 1765.
  • A wig-seller dressing a wig on a stand in his shop; the wig-stands bear the heads of Tory politicians. Wood engraving by W.C.W. after R. Seymour.
  • Sir Charles Wetherell collapsed in a chair surrounded by both smiling and weeping fellow politicians; referring to reactions to the Plan of Reform which disenfranchised sixty boroughs. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1831.
  • A woman being stabbed while the blood pouring from her wounds is drunk by a group of men; representing Britannia's resources being drained by politicians. Engraving, 1768.
  • John Bull being examined by eight doctors representing politicians, who diagnose his illness as cholera. Lithograph, ca. 1832.
  • The third Duke of Grafton divorcing his first wife on the grounds of her adultery compared with Julius Caesar repudiating his wife. Etching.
  • The beheading of Lords Balmerino and Kilmarnock at Tower Hill, London, in 1746, attended by a large crowd; with portraits of four of the rebel lords. Etching with engraving.
  • The coffin plates of the Rebel Lords who were executed on Tower Hill in 1746 and 1747. Etching with engraving by W. Wise after R.B. Schnebbelie, 1816.