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48 results
  • Artificial deformation, 2 Labrets (lip plugs), 1 lip stud
  • Brazil: Krenak people (Botocudos) with lip-plugs and ear-plugs (Botocudos). Photograph.
  • Botocudo people of the Rio-Grande de Belmonte, Brazil. Coloured aquatint by G. Gallina, ca. 1821, after M. Wied-Neuwied.
  • Three wooden semi circular labrets (lip plugs), from N.W. coast of Africa. Semi-circular, grooved, worn in lower lip.
  • Africa: a woman with scarification on her chest and arms, and with plugs in her ear-lobes and lower lip. Photograph by Kurt Lubinski, 19--.
  • Malaita, Solomon Islands: a man with shaped teeth. Photograph.
  • Nigeria: a man at Egbe with shaped front teeth. Photograph.
  • British Togoland or Ghana: a man with metal woven into his hair. Photograph by Kurt Lubinski, 19--.
  • Cranial deformation. Photograph by E. W. Pearson Chinnery.
  • Bones of the ribcage and pelvis: two figures, showing the appearance of the ribcage and spine in both its natural state, and when distorted by tight lacing. Etching with watercolour, 1864.
  • Bones of the ribcage and pelvis: two figures, showing the appearance of the ribcage and spine in both its natural state, and when distorted by tight lacing. Etching with watercolour, 1864.
  • Deformation, skull showing fronto-occipital flattening
  • Assam: boys of the Konyak Naga tribe, showing the effect of tight waist-belts made of cane. Photograph by Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, ca. 1937.
  • 'Tight-lacing' in New Guinea. A boy of the Mekeo district who has passed through initiation ceremonies and is of an age to marry.
  • Rubiana lagoon, Solomon Islands: a man with his ears distended by large earrings. Photograph.
  • Rubiana lagoon, Kimbo (?), Solomon Islands: a man with his ears distended by large earrings. Photograph.
  • Extended ear lobe, Rubriand, Solomon Islands.
  • Nose pin, Aboriginal, Northern Australia.
  • Skull showing cranial elongation, Vanuatu Republic.
  • Elongation of the head, Mowe, N. Britain
  • Papua New Guinea (?): a man with a large pin through a hole in his nose. Photograph by E.W. Pearson Chinnery (?).
  • Papua New Guinea (?): a man with a woman and child. Photograph by E.W. Pearson Chinnery (?).
  • Papua New Guinea (?): a man with a large metal or wooden sculpture through a hole in his nose. Photograph by E.W. Pearson Chinnery (?).
  • Nose pin, Aboriginal, Northern Australia.
  • Babies with tightly bandaged heads.
  • Pekon, Myanmar (Burma): eleven Padaung people, including four who wear neck-rings to lengthen the neck. Photograph, 19--.
  • Posterior view of cranium deformed according to fashion
  • Waist constriction by cane belts, Konyak Naga
  • Posterior view of cranium deformed according to fashion
  • Cranial deformation in Bougainville. Photograph by T.J. Macmahon, ca. 1919.