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33 results
  • Shiva trampling on animal sages accompanied by deer, during Daksha's sacrifice, Parvati stands to one side. Chromolithograph.
  • An episode in Juvenal's satire XII: in thanks for the escape of their mutual friend Catullus from a shipwreck, Juvenal shows to Corvinus a votive painting depicting Catullus's survival, while putti prepare to sacrifice animals as thank-offerings to the gods. Etching by W. Hollar after R. Streater.
  • An ancient priest killing a lamb as a sacrifice amidst a crowd of people. Etching by J. van den Aveele, 1681.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Etching by A. Fabri after Raphael.
  • Pagan sacrifice. Engraving.
  • A procession towards a sacrifice. Lithograph by F. Piloty after Polidoro da Caravaggio.
  • Pagan sacrifice to a goddess. Engraving.
  • A man sits near an altar with a statue of a goddess and prepares a boar for sacrifice. Engraving by Battista Franco.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Engraving after L. Lombard.
  • Noah and his family sacrifice a ram to God on leaving the ark. Engraving by G. Carattoni after A. de'Angeli after Michelangelo.
  • Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris: coat of arms and inscription surrounded by a carved frame and a border of oak garlands. Engraving by F. Ertinger.
  • The inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands offering to Captain Cook the sacrifice of a pig. Etching by S. Middiman and J. Hall, 1784, after J. Webber.
  • Sins and subsequent punishment in Hell. Chromolithograph.
  • Noah and his entourage come down from the ark and make a sacrifice to God. Etching by M. van der Gucht after G. Hoet.
  • Athenians wearing masks celebrate the vintage by dancing around a statue of Bacchus and sacrificing a goat to him. Engraving by P. Lombard, 1654, after F. Cleyn.
  • Cain kills Abel. Engraving by M. van der Gucht after G. Hoet.
  • Noah's entourage comes down from Mount Ararat; Noah makes a sacrifice. Etching by N.C. Goodnight.
  • Noah's clan make their sacrifice and God responds with a rainbow. Colour etching by E. Kirkall after Bishop after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • Three marble vases and a sarcophagus. Etching by G.B. Piranesi, ca. 1770.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching by B. Lépicié, 1721, after Raphael.
  • Noah preparing his first sacrifice after the Flood; the Tower of Babel; God responds to Noah's sacrifice with a rainbow. Etching by J. Hulett.
  • An extremely detailed survey of the activities surrounding the building of the tower of Babel. Engraving, c. 1680.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.