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681 results
  • Louis Pasteur, head and shoulders, with allegorical figures. Colour process print by Phg. Y. Michel after H. Meyer, 1895.
  • A female allegorical figure of theory guiding a boy towards a nude female figure representing Nature, who is revealed by the winged figure of painting. Crayon manner print by J.B. Lucien, 1795, after P.T. Le Clerc.
  • The triumph of the physician Jacobus Castricus (Jacques van den Kasteele): allegorical figures of Practice and Theory accompany him in a chariot under a triumphal arch; in the foreground, honey, mint and artemisia and mythical beasts are tramping on the contorted bodies of plague, fever and dropsy. Process print after H. Holbein (?), ca. 1540.
  • The medical practitioner appearing as a devil when he asks for his fee. Photograph after Hendrick Goltzius, 1587.
  • The Christ Child deposits the Instruments of the Passion inside the believer's heart. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child shooting arrows into the believer's heart to conquer the fires of lust. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child painting pictures (the Last Judgment, the Assumption of the Virgin and a scene from hell) on the inner wall of the believer's heart. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child enthroned as a king in the palace of the believer's heart, venerated by angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child, helped by angels, bestows a crown on the believer's heart, which is bedecked with palm branches. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child as a professor sitting at a desk in the believer's heart, lecturing to angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child knocks at the door of the believer's heart. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child, in the believer's heart, beats the time from a songbook while angels accompany him with musical instruments. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child setting alight the believer's heart with the fire of his wounds. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child strews a bed of roses for himself inside the believer's heart which is surrounded by roses and venerated by angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child brings light into a heart discovering snakes and other animals. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child playing the harp in the believer's heart, which is surrounded by angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child as Fountain of Life stands in the heart of the believer, with blood streaming from his hands and feet and being collected by angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child as Fountain of Life stands in the heart of the believer, with blood streaming from his hands and feet and being collected by angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child sleeps as a bridegroom in the believer's heart, making it safe as a bride from wind and storm raging outside. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child cleans the believer's heart with a hand-held mop, assisted and venerated by angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child preserves the believer's heart from a snare in which the devil tries to trap it, and from worldly blandishments. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child sweeping a brood of reptilian monsters out of the believer's heart with a broom. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child preserves the believer's heart from a snare in which the devil tries to trap it, and from worldly blandishments. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child cleans the believer's heart with a hand-held mop, assisted and venerated by angels. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child sleeps as a bridegroom in the believer's heart, making it safe as a bride from wind and storm raging outside. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The Christ Child sweeping a brood of reptilian monsters out of the believer's heart with a broom. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • The countries of Europe representing physicians and surgeons trying to regenerate a woman personifying the Dutch republic. Etching attributed to James Gillray, 1796, after David Hess.
  • Medicine chest supplied to Shackleton Expedition
  • Month
  • Thanks to the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Virtue and Truth prevent Human Pride from resisting the efforts of Nature to allow children to live a happy life. Engraving by G. Vidal after Ch. Monnet.