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87 results
  • Rattle, West Africa
  • Nail effigies, Congo, West Africa.
  • Bow lute, Begam tribe, Cameroon, West Africa
  • Bow lute, Begam tribe, Cameroon, West Africa
  • Figure representing pregnant woman, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
  • Figure representing pregnant woman, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
  • An Aku Mma doll.y. Ashanti, Ghana, West Africa.
  • Carved wood vessel with geometric design, Bagongo, West Africa
  • A Liberian medicine man or shaman, West Africa. Halftone.
  • Carved wood vessel with geometric design, Congo, West Africa
  • King Bahanzin of Dahomey, West Africa, smoking a pipe. Wood-engraving.
  • Rattle, West Africa. Nut shells on edge with anthropomorphic figure in the centre
  • Ibedgi female figure with long strings of cowrie shells attached. Yoruba, Nigeria, West Africa.
  • Ibedgi female figure with long strings of cowrie shells attached. Yoruba, Nigeria, West Africa.
  • Griqualand West, South Africa: Kimberley diamond mine. Woodburytype, 1888, after a photograph by Robert Harris.
  • Natal, South Africa: West Street in Durban. Woodburytype, 1888, after a photograph by Robert Harris.
  • West Africa: a Hausa medicine man, seated, with his tools spread out on the ground. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Bamenda, Cameroon, West Africa: a Nda woman, standing to attention, with scarification on her trunk and arms. Photograph, 1937.
  • Guinea, West Africa: the procession in honour of the snake, marking the coronation on 16 April 1725. Aquatint by G. Gallina, ca. 1819, after R. Desmarchais.
  • Seat supported by standing figures and elephant heads, the back of leopards, with 2 figures riding leopards as side supports. Grasslands, possibly Bali, Cameroons, West Africa.
  • Cylindrical wooden soum covered with medicine and with four small bags containing power-giving substances. Used for the causation of disease by human agency. Ghana, West Africa.
  • Reality versus romance in South Central Africa : An account of a journey across the continent from Benguella on the West, through Bihe, Ganguella, Barotse, the Kalihari Desert, Mashonaland, Manica, Gorongoza, Nyasa, the Shire Highlands, to the mouth of the Zambesi on the East Coast / [James Johnston].
  • Reality versus romance in South Central Africa : An account of a journey across the continent from Benguella on the West, through Bihe, Ganguella, Barotse, the Kalihari Desert, Mashonaland, Manica, Gorongoza, Nyasa, the Shire Highlands, to the mouth of the Zambesi on the East Coast / [James Johnston].
  • Reality versus romance in South Central Africa : An account of a journey across the continent from Benguella on the West, through Bihe, Ganguella, Barotse, the Kalihari Desert, Mashonaland, Manica, Gorongoza, Nyasa, the Shire Highlands, to the mouth of the Zambesi on the East Coast / [James Johnston].
  • Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus americanus, or, Coloured plates (with a catalogue and concise and familiar descriptions of many species) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America : Also of several others, natives of Africa and the East Indies; arranged after the Linnaean system.
  • Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus americanus, or, Coloured plates (with a catalogue and concise and familiar descriptions of many species) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America : Also of several others, natives of Africa and the East Indies; arranged after the Linnaean system.
  • Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus americanus, or, Coloured plates (with a catalogue and concise and familiar descriptions of many species) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America : Also of several others, natives of Africa and the East Indies; arranged after the Linnaean system.
  • Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus americanus, or, Coloured plates (with a catalogue and concise and familiar descriptions of many species) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America : Also of several others, natives of Africa and the East Indies; arranged after the Linnaean system.
  • Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus americanus, or, Coloured plates (with a catalogue and concise and familiar descriptions of many species) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America : Also of several others, natives of Africa and the East Indies; arranged after the Linnaean system.
  • Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus americanus, or, Coloured plates (with a catalogue and concise and familiar descriptions of many species) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America : Also of several others, natives of Africa and the East Indies; arranged after the Linnaean system.