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8 results
  • Chiron the centaur teaching Achilles the arts of magic. Etching by A.M. Zanetti, 1758, after G. Zompini after G.B. Castiglione.
  • Chiron the centaur teaching Achilles to use a bow and arrow. Lithograph after J.B. Regnault.
  • Telephus (son of Hercules) cured of a potentially fatal wound with some rust from Achilles' spear, with which he had originally been wounded. Engraving by B. Picart, 1730, after P. Brebiette.
  • Telephus (son of Hercules) cured of a potentially fatal wound with some rust from Achilles' spear, with which he had originally been wounded. Engraving by B. Picart, 1730, after P. Brebiette.
  • Telephus (son of Hercules) cured of a potentially fatal wound with some rust from Achilles' spear, with which he had originally been wounded. Engraving after P. Brebiette, 16--.
  • Achilles dragging the body of Hector around Troy. Mezzotint after G. Hamilton, 1794.
  • Achilles cutting off a lock of his hair in mourning over the body of Patroclus. Engraving by P. Lombard, 1660, after A. van Diepenbeeck.
  • Achilles bandaging the wounded arm of Patroclus. Gouache painting by S.W. Kelly, 1936, after an Attic cup by Sosias, c. 500 B.C.