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494 results
  • Quackery: 20th century
  • 20th century autopsy, 1905.
  • Spinal carriage: early 20th century
  • Aseptic surgical case, early 20th century.
  • Quackery: 20th. century: 'Improved oxytonor oxygen'
  • Mexican ear votive, circa 20th century
  • X-ray car with tent. 20th century.
  • Victorian Leeds and view of 20th century Oldham
  • Photomultiplier tubes / 20th Century Electronics Limited.
  • Photomultiplier tubes / 20th Century Electronics Limited.
  • Photomultiplier tubes / 20th Century Electronics Limited.
  • Photomultiplier tubes / 20th Century Electronics Limited.
  • Galileo Galilei; copy from portrait by J. Sustermans in the Uffizi, Florence. 19th/20th century copy.
  • Geiger counter tubes : illustrated price list, December 1957 / 20th Century Electronics.
  • Geiger counter tubes : illustrated price list, December 1957 / 20th Century Electronics.
  • Geiger counter tubes : illustrated price list, December 1957 / 20th Century Electronics.
  • Geiger counter tubes : illustrated price list, December 1957 / 20th Century Electronics.
  • An opium den in San Francisco, early 20th century, with two Chinese men smoking. Process print after a photograph.
  • Plan of Wellcome museum galleries: 1st floor showing new arrangement, 1942, Dr Daukes scheme: Renaissance, 17th century, 18th century, 19th & 20th centuries, history of disease, research.
  • Cerebrospinal rhinorrhoea. Carbon dust drawing by A.J. Arnott.
  • A man without arms and legs posing naked on a table, side view.
  • A woman posing wrapped in a sheet, looking through a screen giving the effect of the frame of a looking-glass, in a photographic studio.
  • A man without arms and legs posing naked on a table, front view.
  • A young woman posing in a photographic studio, wearing an unusual dress, in front of a plain backdrop.
  • Three young women posing in a photographic studio, one seated on a bench, in front of a painted backdrop of a rural scene.
  • A bullfighter, posing in front of a painted backdrop of a bullring, in a cobbled courtyard. Photograph, first quarter of the twentieth century.
  • A young woman posing in a photographic studio, holding a fan, in front of a painted backdrop of a rural scene.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.
  • Phrenology: the human and animal brain, the location of its functions according to the principles of phrenology, and personalia of phrenologists. Photographs, drawings and newsletters.