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493 results
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • Every man his own doctor. In two parts. Shewing I. How every one may know his own constitution and complection, by certain signs. Also the nature and faculties of all food as well meats, as drinks ... The second part shews the full knowledge and cure of the pox ... and obstructions, agues. Shewing their causes and signs ... and perfect cure / [John Archer].
  • Boer War: a full military hospital ward in a church at Mafeteng, South Africa. Halftone, c. 1900, after M. Maseru.
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Face massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Hand massage
  • Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marshall Ranunculaceae. Yellow root. Distribution: North America, where it was discovered by the plant collector and explorer William Bartram in 1773. Austin (2004) reports that of the Native Americans, the Cherokee use the crushed plant to make a yellow dye
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Dedication page. Somma de aritmetica...Luca Pacioli, 1494.
  • Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marshall Ranunculaceae. Yellow root. Distribution: North America, where it was discovered by the plant collector and explorer William Bartram in 1773. Yellow-root. Austin (2004) reports that of the Native Americans, the Cherokee use the crushed plant to make a yellow dye
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox
  • Mid C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Smallpox