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517 results
  • The last sacrament of Saint Jerome. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, 1830, after Annibale Carracci.
  • Melchizedek blesses Abraham and gives him bread and wine; Abraham's Hebrew soldiers return victorious over the four invading kings. Etching by M. van der Gucht after G. Hoet.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop, with a border showing headwear of different groups. Engraving by R. Smith.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop, with a border showing headwear of different groups. Engraving by R. Smith.
  • A radiant Samuel brings word from God to Eli. Line engraving by A.W. Warren, 1816, after E. Bird.
  • Moses' people in exile in Egypt are compared to metals that are strengthened by being exposed to fire in a furnace without being consumed. Line engraving by C. Visscher after C. van Mander.
  • China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Saint Teresa: she is encouraged by Christ to bring aid to Bernardino de Mendoza in purgatory by building a convent on land given to her by Bernardino. Engraving by C. Warren after Sir P.P. Rubens.
  • Buddhist monks receiving lunch at Sutthai Sawan Throne Hall, Bangkok. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Buddhist monks receiving lunch at Sutthai Sawan Throne Hall, Bangkok. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865.
  • The child Samuel tells Eli about God's displeasure with him. Wood engraving by A.R. Branston after R. Westall.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop . Engraving by R. Smith.
  • The western and eastern churches represented by St. Peter's in Rome and S. Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople); Jewish circumcision and the baptism of a baby by a bishop . Engraving by R. Smith.
  • Christ, praying in the light, raises Lazarus from his tomb. Etching after J. Lievens, 1631.
  • Aaron points his rod at the river and it begins to flow with frogs. Etching.
  • Simeon recognises the infant Jesus as saviour. Etching by C.W. Weisbrod after Rembrandt, 1627-8.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1865.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1865.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865.
  • The Alms Houses, Cobham, Kent: facade, and architectural details, with a key. Transfer lithograph by J.R. Jobbins, 1858, after F.T. Dollman.
  • The circumcision of the Shechemites. Engraving by J. Muller (?).
  • The killing of the Egyptian firstborn by God. Coloured mezzotint by J. Martin, 1836, after himself.
  • Moses presents his brazen serpent to the people. Woodcut after Robert Anning Bell, c. 1890.
  • The good Samaritan helping a wounded man: two background scenes of robbing and assault while two figures walk by, set against Jerusalem. Line engraving by F. Berardi after G. Varana.
  • The good Samaritan stopping to help treat a wounded man. Drawing by Jefferyes Hamett O'Neale.
  • The marriage of Mary and Joseph. Engraving by H. Wierix.
  • The good samaritan helps a stranger by the roadside by pouring oil and wine on to his wounds. Woodcut.
  • The presentation of the Virgin. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G.A. Sirani.