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261 results
  • In a Spitalfields silk weaver's shop two contrasting apprentices, Tom Idle, asleep, and Francis Goodchild, engrossed in his work, sit at their looms overseen by their master. Engraving by Thomas Cook after William Hogarth, 1749.
  • The good Samaritan helping a wounded man while a priest and Levite walk on. Line engraving by T. Cook after W. Hogarth.
  • Sancho sits at a table laden with food with his physician Pedro Rezzio surrounded by an assortment of people including two youths who remove the dishes. Engraving by T. Cook after William Hogarth.
  • A church and a tavern are contrasted, just as the pious churchgoers and the lusty, eating and sloppy people who ignore the church; representing noon. Engraving by T. Cook after W. Hogarth.
  • Francis Goodchild, taking tea with his new wife, pays a drummer representing a group of serenading musicians, as was the custom, from his City house close to the Monument. Engraving by Thomas Cook after William Hogarth.
  • Thomas Bambridge, warden of the Fleet prison, before a committee of the House of Commons visiting the prisons. Engraving by T. Cook after W. Hogarth.
  • A leering bear with soiled clerical bands, a pot of beer and a club is pictured behind a dog urinating on pamphlets. Engraving by T. Cook after W. Hogarth.
  • Detail of an audience at a cockfight. Etching by E. Riepenhausen after W. Hogarth.
  • Time himself is dying with his scythe and hourglass broken and his pipe snapped, he comes to an end uttering "Finis". Engraving by T. Cook after W. Hogarth.
  • In a chamber containing stuffed animals, a globe and astrological devices Hudibras, about to draw his sword, startles Sidrophel and Whacum. Engraving by T. Cook, ca. 1808, after W. Hogarth.
  • A prostitute gives evidence to a magistrate: she points towards Tom Idle dividing loot with his accomplice, as a corpse is being disposed of through a trapdoor. Engraving by Thomas Cook, 1795, after William Hogarth.
  • In the company of his master's daughter Francis Goodchild sings attentively from a hymn book during a church service. Engraving by Thomas Cook after William Hogarth, 1796.
  • Calais gate: the Host is administered to sick people, while emaciated and ragged French people go about their business. Etching by C. Mosley after W. Hogarth.
  • In a room hung with black drapes to show mourning, Ramble Gripe, in the company of a pregnant woman holding out a ring, and her mother with a letter, is measured by a tailor; a coffin lid leans against the fireplace. Engraving by Thomas Bowles, 1735.
  • An innkeeper's wife and daughter taking care of Don Quixote's wounds and injuries after being beaten. Engraving after W. Hogarth after M. de Cervantes Saavedra.
  • The rake carouses in a tavern full of prostitutes. Engraving by Thomas Bowles, 1735.
  • In a lunatic asylum, and in the company of a variety of other deranged individuals, a half-naked Ramble Gripe, his wrists chained, is restrained by orderlies. Engraving by T. Bowles, 1735.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • The elaborately dressed rake holds a purse as a man presents him with an invoice; a lace-seller, a fencing master, a violin player, a cocker and a jockey represent the services and pursuits he is engaged in. Engraving by Thomas Bowles, 1735.
  • In prison, Ramble Gripe pores over a document ignoring the harangues from his elderly wife and the sobs of his loyal sweetheart who visit him. Engraving by Thomas Bowles, 1735.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • Thomas Coram. Wood engraving by W. J. Linton after W. Hogarth.
  • William Hogarth embarking on a boat in the Thames near Sheerness, accompanied by four friends. Etching by R. Livesay after S. Scott and W. Hogarth.
  • A politician engrossed in reading the "Gazetteer" and burning the brim of his hat with a candle while he does so. Etching by J. K. Sherwin after W. Hogarth.
  • A funeral procession entering a church. Etching by T. Cook after W. Hogarth.
  • Sir Francis Dashwood at his devotions. Engraving attributed to W. Platt after W. Hogarth.
  • The works of William Hogarth, from the original plates restored by James Heath ... with the addition of many subjects not before collected: to which are prefixed, a biographical essay on the genius and productions of Hogarth, and explanations of the subjects of the plates / by John Nichols.
  • The works of William Hogarth, from the original plates restored by James Heath ... with the addition of many subjects not before collected: to which are prefixed, a biographical essay on the genius and productions of Hogarth, and explanations of the subjects of the plates / by John Nichols.
  • The works of William Hogarth, from the original plates restored by James Heath ... with the addition of many subjects not before collected: to which are prefixed, a biographical essay on the genius and productions of Hogarth, and explanations of the subjects of the plates / by John Nichols.