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847 results
  • A lady. Oil painting.
  • A surgeon extracting a tooth. Oil painting.
  • Saint Thomas's Hospital, Southwark. Oil painting.
  • The Royal College of Physicians, Warwick Lane, London. Oil painting.
  • An anxious man comparing his own head to a skull, using the technique of phrenology. Oil painting by Theodore Lane, 182-.
  • Interior with an alchemist seated at a table, looking out of the picture. Oil painting by Thomas Wijck (Thomas Wyck).
  • Charles Bell. Oil painting.
  • Interior with an alchemist seated at a table, looking out of the picture. Oil painting by Thomas Wijck (Thomas Wyck).
  • Sir John Pringle. Oil painting.
  • William Gilbert. Oil painting.
  • A surgeon removing a plaster from the back of a man's hand. Oil painting after (?) Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • Saint Thomas's Hospital, Southwark. Oil painting.
  • Golding Bird (1814-1854), physician and natural philosopher. Oil painting by Alexander Craig, 1840.
  • A man. Oil painting.
  • Richard Smith junior (1772-1843), surgeon to the Bristol Royal Infirmary 1796-1843. Oil painting by John Hazlitt, 1824.
  • A man, designated as Sir Charles Scarburgh. Oil painting.
  • Sir Thomas Spencer Wells Bt. (1818-1897). Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon, ca. 1897.
  • A surgeon and his black assistant letting blood from a lady's arm. Oil painting by an English painter, ca. 1780.
  • John Chambers. Oil painting.
  • Surgeons' Hall, Old Bailey, London. Oil painting.
  • Saint Thomas's Hospital, Southwark: the courtyard, with portraits of Mark Akenside, Richard Mead and William Cheselden. Oil painting.
  • John Lister (?). Oil painting.
  • Chandler (?). Oil painting.
  • Interior with an alchemist seated at a table, looking out of the picture. Oil painting by Thomas Wijck (Thomas Wyck).
  • John Mason Good. Oil painting.
  • A man. Oil painting.
  • A man taking a woman's pulse. Oil painting by Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • Saint Thomas's Hospital, Southwark: the courtyard, with portraits of Mark Akenside, Richard Mead and William Cheselden. Oil painting.
  • "Fading away". Oil painting attributed to E. Kennedy.
  • An alchemist in his laboratory. Oil painting by James Nasmyth.