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713 results
  • Lucifer's angels tumble out of heaven, their limbs entwined. Etching by R. Pranker, 176-.
  • God creating Eve out of Adam amidst all the wonders of Eden. Woodcut.
  • Saint Peter and Saint John healing the lame man at the temple gate. Engraving by N. Dorigny after Raphael.
  • Saint Peter and Saint John healing the lame at the temple gate, above the vision of Christ in heaven. Etching by N. Dorigny, 1691, after L. Cardi, il Cigoli, 1606.
  • An anatomical depiction of the life and death of a foetus frames Adam alone in the Garden of Eden. Etching by J.A. Fridrich after J.D. Preissler and M. Füssli after C. Huyberts.
  • Christ stands among sick people ('The hundred guilder print'). Etching after Rembrandt, 1649.
  • People writhe in pain among the fiery serpents as Moses produces the brazen serpent. Line engraving after F. Fenzoni.
  • Scenes from the life of Moses before the Exodus. Etching, 1799.
  • Adam naming the animals. Etching by G. Scotin and J. Cole after H. Gravelot and J.B. Chatelain, 1743.
  • The shepherds observe the newly-born Jesus Christ. Etching by Annibale Carracci, ca. 1606.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Engraving by Marinus van der Goes after J. Jordaens.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Engraving by J. Witdoek after P.P. Rubens.
  • Twenty trees, herbs and shrubs of the bible. Chromolithograph, c. 1850.
  • Statue of Daniel praying in the lion's den. Etching.
  • Men build the ark while revellers play; God supervises. Engraving.
  • Potiphar's wife tumbles on her bed with a terrified Joseph. Stipple engraving by W. Nutter after R. Cosway, 1802.
  • Angels pray at the birth of Christ. Chromolithograph.
  • Job afflicted with boils, with his wife and comforters. Woodcut after Virgil Solis, 1568.
  • An angel announces the birth of Christ to two shepherds. Etching.
  • Daniel praying in the lion's den. Lithograph.
  • Drunkenly gazing at the chin of his daughter, Lot moves amorously towards her. Mezzotint by R. Dunkarton, 1787, after A. de Gelder.
  • Twenty trees, herbs and shrubs of the bible. Chromolithograph, c. 1850.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Engraving by J. Witdoek after P.P. Rubens.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Engraving by Marinus van der Goes after J. Jordaens.
  • Christ heals a man possessed by demons. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • The infant John the Baptist. Drawing, c. 1791, after Raphael.
  • Christ stands among sick people and Pharisees ('The hundred guilder print'). Etching by J.P. Le Bas, 1776, after Rembrandt, 1649.
  • God appears radiantly behind a black cloud as Moses swings an incense burner; four people are washing their feet and hands in preparation. Etching.
  • The holy family, including Anne, mother of Mary, at rest. Lithograph by Francais after G-D-J. Descamps, 1851.
  • Solomon judges the case of the two harlots. Colour etching by C. Ploos van Amstel, 1782, after L. van Leyden.