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  • An American man is watching a procession that includes a German anarchist, a Russian nihilist, a Native American, an Englishman etc. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 11 April 1891.
  • A funeral procession carrying the corpse of an unmarried girl layed out on a bier through a village. Coloured lithograph by Gatti and G. Dura after G. Dura, 1851.
  • A man (Pascal?) standing in an alcove pressing his right hand to his heart; representing grief for AIDS-victims, to be expressed in a procession in Berlin. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • The head of a young man with closed eyes, representing mourning for AIDS victims to be marked by a procession in Berlin on the eve of World AIDS day. Lithograph, 199-.
  • A procession of blind and physically disabled people; allegory about sticks: how children are afraid of the rod but disadvantaged adults come to rely on it. Engraving by P. Galle, 1563?.
  • A military procession of mercenary soldiers, followed by a winged figure of Death on horseback who is accompanied by two skeletal accomplices. Etching by Johann Theodor de Bry after Erhard Schön.
  • The Normans hold a procession in honour of Saint Valery at Saint-Valéry sur Somme before the invasion of Britain in 1066. Engraving by F.A. David, 1784, after N. Lejeune.
  • The funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth I, including the Clerks of the Parliament and the Clerks of the Privy Seal. Engraving by J. Basire after a drawing by William Camden, 1791.
  • A beadle, carrying his staff: behind him two churchwardens lead a procession of orphans of the parish, the boys carrying wands to beat the bounds. Coloured aquatint by W. H. Pyne, 1805.
  • A procession to St. Mary's Church, Oxford by the convocations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge; and the burning of the bones of Protestant theologians in Cambridge. Line engraving by Myers.
  • Bacchus carried on a chariot pulled by leopards, accompanied by a drunken procession of bacchants and satyrs, with Silenus and two elephants. Etching by P. Aquila after P. Berrettini da Cortona, 16--.
  • A procession of historical figures accompanying a car on which Time sits measuring the globe; representing the triumph of Time. Engraving by S. Pomarede, 1748, after G. Buti after Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • Aldermen of the City of London Corporation represented as Chinese and as monsters in procession to Westminster to protest against the Treaty of Paris, 1763. Etching after J.H. O'Neale, 1763.
  • The funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth I, including the agents for Venice and the estates and the Lord Mayor of London. Engraving by J. Basire after a drawing by William Camden, 1791.
  • A procession of people with paper lanterns walking down a street at night; advertisment for Children Living with Aids in support of World Aids Day. Colour lithograph by North Staffordshire Health, 1996.
  • Festival of Muḥarram: a procession, to commemorate the death of the martyrs, of people carrying banners, pennants and replicas of Husain's mausoleum or the Prophet's tomb. Gouache painting by an Indian painter.
  • Above, red-figured Greek wine bowl (column krater); below, detail of the decoration showing a procession of four men (priests?), one of them playing the flute. Watercolour by A. Dahlsteen, 176- (?).
  • A wedding procession: the bridegroom sits on a horse surrounded by a large crowd carrying decorations and pennants, accompanied by a band of musicians. Gouache painting on mica by an Indian artist.
  • A funeral procession of elderly women with cats in their arms, following the coffin of a dead cat, in a churchyard. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Pettit after E.G. Byron, 1789.
  • Jacob is taken to the cave in the field of Machpelah by a mournful procession; he wants to die in the spot bought by Abraham. Etching by L. du Guernier after L. Chéron.
  • A crowd of figures with the heads of animals carry banners and beat drums as they form a procession; representing the City of London Volunteers. Engraving by William Henry Toms after E. Heemskerk.
  • India: the procession of the Sacred Water Pot to avert cholera: the decorative over-sized pot is held aloft between two crowned models; musicians stand to each side. Photograph by Underwood and Underwood, ca. 1900 (?).
  • Actor Nakamura Shikan IV as Danshichi Kurōbei having just disposed of the corpse of his victim down a well; the character is about to escape by joining a passing festival procession. Colour woodcut by Kunisada I, 1855.
  • Reach out and touch : people living with HIV and AIDS : procession with flowers : Sunday 23rd August 1992 : Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London ... for a world without discrimination / Brent HIV Centre, Kiss FM.
  • Pier Leone Ghezzi standing before his easel on which is placed an image of the Virgin Mary, and pointing out of the window towards a procession of priests. Etching by W.W. Ryland, 1762, after P.L. Ghezzi.
  • Above, four martyrs are chained to a post and burnt at the stake in Canterbury; below, a procession of twenty-two prisoners tied together and brought from Colchester to London, presumably for trial. Etching with engraving by G. Terry.
  • Reach out and touch people living with HIV and AIDS : procession with flowers Sunday, 23rd August '92 Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London ... / initiated by the Brent HIV Centre and organised and presented in conjunction with KISS FM.
  • The procession of Francis Goodchild, Lord Mayor of London, in an elegant ceremonial coach, watched by a crowd on the ground and Frederick, Prince of Wales, with his consort, on a balcony. Engraving by Thomas Cook after William Hogarth, 1795.
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician riding a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession that scares children; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • Celebrations of Wellington's victory at the battle of Salamanca: Sir Francis Burdett's house is attacked, a funeral procession of Whigs passes by, and a toast is drunk to Wellington by England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Coloured etching by W.H. Brooke, 1812.