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425 results
  • Mr. C. French Anga's New Zealand and Australian exhibition ... : comprising upwards of 300 full-length portraits, from life, of the prinicipal New Zealand Chiefs, with their wives and children.
  • [Folded leaflet (turquoise paper - copies on purple paper exist) advertising appearances of 'The Pygopagi Twins', Josepha and Rosalie Blazek, conjoined twins, in some sort of performance at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London, in late 1880. The "Bohemian" twins were under the patronage of the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria and other distinguished personages. The twins both died at the age of 45. ].
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Frank Uffner's American Midgets: Lucia Zarate and General Mite at the Piccadilly Hall, London, 22 November 1880. Printed on white paper].
  • Mr. Bernard Cavanagh, the Fasting Man ... will receive company at his rooms, 263, Strand ...  : His first long fast commenced at the death of his mother, which took place nearly six years ago, since that period he has not tasted any food whatever ...
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Frank Uffner's latest collection of living curiosities at the Piccadilly Hall, London, featuring General Tiny Mite and Chang, the great Chinese giant (24 February 1883?). ].
  • The eighth wonder!! : the celebrated Miss Beffin, miniature painter, will exhibit her wondrous powers, in a commodious booth, during this present fair : a young lady who was born deficient of arms, hands and legs ...
  • Extraordinary birth! : On Sunday last, at Ferguson's Grand Promenade and exhibition rooms, 167, High Holborn, the lady of the celebrated dwarf Senor Santiago de Loss Santos, was delivered of a fine boy, the father being no more than 25 inches high, although 49 years of age, while his mother is but 28 inches high, and 31 years of age : an apartment has been fitted up expressly for the shewing of this great novelty ...
  • [Small leaflet advertising appearances by Roberts's Greatest Phenomenon of the Age (late of the Crystal Palace), a "young lady born without arms", at The Horn of Plenty, Whitecross Street [London?]].
  • The most astonishing contrast of a female dwarf and male giant.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Lucia Zarate and General Mite at the Piccadilly Hall, London ("The midgets, 'two little to earth-quakes')].
  • Established in public favor : Now exhibiting at 68, Cheapside, from ten in the morning till nine at night, an immense French giant : measures exactly 7 feet 4 inches ...
  • The eighth wonder!! : the celebrated Miss Beffin, miniature painter, will exhibit her wondrous powers, in a commodious booth, during this present fair : a young lady who was born deficient of arms, hands and legs ...
  • [Leaflet advertising exhibition of the curious history of Julia Pastrana, "The Baboon Lady" and the live two-in-one, or, double-bodied boy at Dr. Kahn's Museum. The boy is shown in the illustration. Julia Pastrana was also giving 'levees' at the Regent Gallery 3 times a day].
  • Two Chinese ladies! : the only female natives of the Celestial Empire, ever seen in Europe!.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by "Two children united from the umbilical chord to the top of the breast bone", born January 1833 and being exhibited at 28 High Street, Bloomsbury, London with The Matchless Lamb (1 head, 2 bodies) and the Wonderful Kangaroo Pig (no fore legs)].
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Frank Uffner's American Midgets: Lucia Zarate and General Mite at the Piccadilly Hall, London. Printed on white paper].
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Frank Uffner's American Midgets: Lucia Zarate and General Mite at the Piccadilly Hall, London. Printed on green paper].
  • General Tom Thumb : the American man in miniature ... at the Victoria Rooms, Hull, on Friday, Saturday, and Monday October 25, 26, and 28.
  • Just arrived in London, and to be seen in an elegant apartment, at the cane-shop, in Spring Garden Gate, next door to the house late Cox's Museum : the Modern Living Colossus, or wonderful Irish Giant, only 21 years of age, measures eight feet two inches high ...
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Herr Unthan, "the armless wonder" at theSouth London Palace, 15 April (1889?). Printed on pink paper].
  • [Small leaflet advertising appearances by General and Lady Mite, "open to spar all comers"].
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Uffner's Royal American Midgets: General Mite and Lucia Zarate at the Piccadilly Hall, London. Shows the General standing on a table covered by a cloth].
  • By permission of the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor : to the nobility, gentry, and the curious for inspecting most extraordinary human beings, of the wild species born ... three wonderful phoenomena ... each with a monstrous CRAW under the throat ...
  • John Worrenberg, the Swiss dwarf.
  • This is to acquaint the curious in general, that there is to be seen, from two in the afternoon, till nine in the evening, without loss of time : at the Crown in High-Street, Canterbury, the surprising Warwickshitre young lady, Miss Hawtin, from Coventry ...
  • To the admirers of the wonderful productions of nature : just arrived here, to be seen in a commodious room, from eleven in the morning, till 9 at night, at Mr. Robson's, Market Place, Durham : the famous Miss Baggs from Newfoundland, now twenty years of age, born without arms, and will work with her toes, in as complete a manner as with arms, and hands ...
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Admiral Tom Trump (Jean Hannema) at Horns Assembly Rooms in Kennington, London on Monday, 11 October 1875. Printed on pale blue paper].
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Captain Ureck, the Hungarian giant vocalist and a bill of many others at the Royal Theatre (Late Weston's) on Holborn, London].
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Johnny Trundley, the Peckham Fat Boy at the Royal Standard music hall (opposite Victoria Station, London) with a bill of other acts].
  • Notice : living phenomenon ... Miss Mariette Rovari, this young lady, 22 years of age, weighs 622 lb. ...