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134,009 results
  • The scourge of Venus and Mercury, represented in a treatise of the venereal disease ... / By J. Sintelaer.
  • China. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Four hunters on horseback with hounds, setting off for the hunt; a village in the background. Coloured woodcut, ca. 1850.
  • China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Das Gehörorgan der Wirbelthiere : morphologisch-histologische Studien / von Gustaf Retzius.
  • Adverts on pain relief in Wellcome News, pp. 10-11, Vol. 15, 1984 Issue.
  • A Chinese talisman of a warrior with sword. Colour woodcut by a Chinese artist.
  • The official gay & lesbian guide : Winter 93-94 / GBA.
  • Nehemiah Grew; with a vignette of Gresham College. Stipple engraving by J. Newton, 1804, after R. White, 1701.
  • A male dwarf. Watercolour painting.
  • South Africa: Africans in front of a traditional kraal hut. Albumen print.
  • Johann Caspar Lavater. Lithograph by Z. Belliard.
  • Orbenin : oral penicillin for resistant staphylococci.
  • John Wolcot [Peter Pindar]. Stipple engraving by B. Smith after T. Parkinson.
  • Woman with Darier's disease
  • A physician examining a urine flask. Oil painting by Gerard Thomas.
  • A view from Shiba Atago-yama: a shrine with a garden. Colour woodcut by Chikanobu.
  • National immunisation programme in Djibouti. Colour lithograph by Ministère de la Santé, 2002.
  • Henry Morton Stanley meeting David Livingstone at Ujiji, in Africa. Coloured wood engraving by H. Hall after H.M. Stanley, ca.1872.
  • Iac. Cornvti ... Canadensivm planatarvm, aliarúmque nondum editarum historia. Cui adiectum est ad calcem enchiridion botanicvm Parisiense. Continens indicem plantarum, quae in pagis, siluis, pratis, et montosis iuxta Parisios locis nascuntur / [Jacques Philippe Cornut].
  • El-Amarna, Egypt; washing pots and pans in the Nile
  • Burma: a lady attended by a servant bringing an elephant and another servant holding a parasol. Watercolour.
  • China: a Manchu woman with her maid standing beside a bronze burner, Beijing. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • A man comes to a shop to sell a fish to a woman who sells poultry, fish and vegetables, watched by a cat. Engraving by J. Burnet after W. Mieris.
  • Pierre-Joseph Desault (left) and Xavier Bichat (right) Line engraving.
  • Skull of a horse. Chromolithograph, 1877.
  • Tanderil.
  • Above, a lesser spotted shark; middle, a porbeagle; below, a white shark. Coloured engraving by W. H. Lizars.
  • Joseph Pitton de Tournefort. Stipple engraving by Holl.
  • Anatomie des parties de la génération de l'homme et de la femme ... jointe a l'angéologie de tout le corps humain, e a ce qui concerne la grossesse et les accouchemens / [Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty].