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1,940 results filtered with: Book illustrations
  • Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: Erath paste water
  • Chinese woodcut: Daoist internal alchemy (11)
  • Body measurements: palm measurement method, Japanese woodcut
  • Two scorpions: Tityus perfidus and Tityus fatalis. Coloured engraving.
  • A male and female savage
  • Qigong exercise to treat various diseases
  • Three female wild goats sitting on a mountain crag with a male wild goat standing above at greater height. Coloured chalk lithograph.
  • Illustration from Ming Chinese ophthalmology text, Ms copy
  • Wood stitchwort (Stellaria nemorum): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby.
  • Wood avens (Geum urbanum): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • C14 Chinese medication chart: Rashes etc.
  • Chinese woodcut: Scrofula
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Belt Vessel
  • Chinese MS acu-moxa point chart: Small Intestine channel
  • Acu-moxa chart: points of the throat and neck, Japanese
  • Qigong exercise for whole-body cramps and seasonal disorders
  • A large paeony (Paeonia species) surrounded by various flowers and moths. Etching by W. Hollar, 1663, after himself.
  • White horehound (Marrubium vulgare): flowering stem, root and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1797.
  • Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale): flowering plant, leaves and floral segments. Coloured etching, c. 1836.
  • Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: Vinegar
  • Acu-moxa chart: yangwei mai (Yang Tie Vessel), Chinese
  • Yangsheng graphic: Ming Chinese woodcut
  • The Blue/Green Dragon [acupuncture] needle, Chinese woodcut
  • A heliotrope (Heliotropium minus): entire flowering plant. Woodcut.
  • Lord Hardinge's Residence at Simlah
  • Four flowering plants, including cuckoo-pint, sweet flag and two pondweeds. Chromolithograph by W. Dickes & co., c. 1855.
  • Three flowering plants, all types of dock (Rumex species). Chromolithograph by W. Dickes & co., c. 1855.
  • Four British wild flowers, including whitlow grass (Erophila species) and scurvy grass (Cochlearia officinalis). Coloured lithograph, c. 1846, after H. Humphreys.
  • Golden-leaved alder (Alnus species): leafy shoot. Chromolithograph, c. 1870, after H. Briscoe.
  • Chinese woodcut: Fixation appliance for injured kneecap