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517 results
  • Abe no Seimei, the Taoist astrologer, foretells the imminent death of the priest Chika, at his bedside; a young monk, Shoku, offers his life to save that of the dying man. Coloured woodcut, 1646.
  • The sense of smell: a man lying in bed smells flowers as another lights some incense, above, a priest stands before a burning sacrifice of a lamb. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of smell: a man lying in bed smells flowers as another lights some incense, above, a priest stands before a burning sacrifice of a lamb. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • A First World War military camp (?): a military priest (?), (wearing a black hat with a cross), stands in front of tents in a field with mountains in the background; several other soldiers nearby. Photograph, 1914/1918 (?).
  • Christopher Columbus and his crew, arriving in America, kneel before the Cross as a priest holds up the Host; native Americans look on. Engraving by J. Knight (the lettering) and by W. Humphrys, 1844, after J.J. Barralet.
  • The martyrdom of the French Protestant merchant John Calas: tied to a wheel with his arms and legs spread he is beaten to death in the presence of a priest and with a crowd looking on. Etching after D. Dodd.
  • Jules Grévy takes the pulse of Marshal Macmahon, who lies sick in bed with a priest and another man; they are choking from the fumes of their burning bed; Léon Gambetta emerges from behind the scenes carrying a clyster. Coloured wood engraving, 1879.
  • Martyrdom of a French bookseller in Avignon: tied to the stake with books bound around his neck a man raises his hands toward heaven while a priest attends to him and a man stokes the fire of the pyre. Etching after D. Dodd, 1765.
  • The Annunciation to the Virgin, who kneels at a prie-dieu. Engraving by P. Pontius after C. Schut.
  • The Virgin, reading a scroll on a prie-dieu, is visited by the announcing angel. Engraving by M. van der Gucht.
  • The Annunciation to the Virgin: the Virgin kneels at a prie-dieu, Gabriel points to the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove. Etching by Carlo Maratta.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • The herball or, generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
  • Moses draws water from the rock, and the Israelites quench their thirst. Etching by J. Le Pautre.
  • Saint Carlo Borromeo administering communion to victims of the plague in Milan of 1576. Line engraving by F. de Poilly after P. Mignard.
  • Portrait; Samuel Pegge (1704-1796)
  • A young Indian man wearing an elaborate headress and makeup, in a studio setting. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • Burial of the dead in the graveyard of a parish church. Etching by James Taylor.
  • A funeral procession following a coffin, laid out on a bier, into a church. Etching by B. Picart, 1724.