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  • The funeral procession of Tom and Jerry, the mourners including gamblers, pugilists and down-and-outs. Coloured aquatint by G. Cruikshank, 1823.
  • Tom and Jerry at Jerry's house in Somerset with their companions seated around a fireplace, with a man reading something amusing. Aquatint by R. Cruikshank, 1830.
  • The martyrdom of Saint Ursula. Engraving by J. Sadeler after P. de Witte [P. Candid].
  • A French lady from the Ancien Régime sympathizing with a young cleric who has toothache. Etching by T.L. Busby, ca. 1826.
  • Men around a table yawning. Etching by T.L. Busby, ca. 1826.
  • A woman with a very elaborate hair style and a rump extended with cork armatures is being pursued by winged uncorked bottles. Etching, 1777.
  • Two disabled veteran sailors, employed by an admiral as messengers, delivering a letter to the servant at the front door of a town-house. Coloured etching after G.M. Woodward, 1790.
  • A wig-seller dressing a wig on a stand in his shop; the wig-stands bear the heads of Tory politicians. Wood engraving by W.C.W. after R. Seymour.
  • King James I of England and VI of Scotland. Engraving by C.G., 161-.
  • The death of Saint Julian at the monastery of la Trappe. Stipple engraving by F. Haward, 1784, after A. Zucchi.
  • An obese bald-headed old man seated in an armchair while a hairdresser pours macassar oil from a bottle on to his scalp. Etching after T. Rowlandson, ca. 1814.
  • Xanthippe rides on the back of Socrates with a whip in her hand. Mezzotint by J. Smith after HG.
  • An operator treating Ann Ford, a society lady, with "Perkins's tractors", for her venomous tongue. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1802.
  • The young foppish politician Charles James Fox having his hair dressed; represented by a fox with pages from the Magna Charta as curl-papers. Engraving, 1771.
  • James Turner, a beggar and a painter's model, aged 93. Etching by R. Graves, after N. Hone.
  • An operator treating Ann Ford, a society lady, with "Perkins's tractors", for her venomous tongue. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1802.
  • A Savoyard girl standing near to a fire place playing the hurdy-gurdy. Stipple engraving by G. Sherlock, 1799, after W. Hogarth.
  • A man standing by a fire place, pulling a peculiar face after taking some medicine. Coloured lithograph after J. Gillray.
  • An episode in Tristram Shandy: Obadiah riding a coach horse knocks Dr. Slop off his pony into a pond, a sign to Shandy Hall hangs over him. Etching by J. Bretherton, 1773, after H.W. Bunbury after L. Sterne.
  • A gouty patient having his pulse taken by a doctor; representing George IV's opposition to Catholic emancipation, and Wellington's support of it. Coloured etching by T. Jones, 1829.
  • Anne Manning, a quack doctor, outside her cottage with Betty Upton. Etching, by W.J. White, 1818, after himself.
  • Jane Scrimshaw, died aged 126. Stipple engraving by Maddocks after J. Faber, senior.
  • Three noblemen dance round a tall thistle as the devil plays the bagpipes; representing Scottish influence on the British policy towards American independence. Engraving, 1775.
  • Anne Manning, a quack doctor, outside her cottage with Betty Upton. Etching, by W.J. White, 1818, after himself.
  • An episode in Tristram Shandy: Dr. Slop, with his wig on fire, angrily gesticulating to Susannah who holds her nose near the wounded baby Tristram Shandy. Coloured etching after H.W. Bunbury after L. Sterne.
  • Aldermen of the City of London Corporation represented as Chinese and as monsters in procession to Westminster to protest against the Treaty of Paris, 1763. Etching after J.H. O'Neale, 1763.
  • Types of steam-driven vehicles and flying machines. Colour process print after Robert Seymour, ca. 1830.
  • Politicians from the Opposition proceed down Whitehall to remove Sir Robert Walpole from office. Etching by F. W. Fairholt, 1848.
  • A man suddenly awakened by two squalling cats. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1806.
  • A man fast asleep with his head back and wig dangling. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1806.