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364 results
  • A man (Lord Hartington) and his wife (Radicalism) having breakfast in a richly decorated room, the morning after a card party. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry after W. Hogarth, 17 October 1885.
  • Spencer Compton Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington, has been stabbed by his wife's lover (W.E. Gladstone) with a sword on which is written "duplicity". Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 7 November 1885, after W. Hogarth.
  • A bourgeois wife shows her husband the preserved foetus of her cousin. Wood engraving by F. Rouget after S.G.C. Gavarni.
  • Ratudhvaja courting Madalasa with the help of a female chaperone. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • A doctor advising his patient to give up life's pleasures - though not to go so far as to get married. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1880.
  • A young woman has the laces of her bodice loosened by her new husband on their wedding night. Coloured lithograph by Bettannier brothers, 1851, after L.-F. Corréard.
  • A hand clutching a banner inscribed 'Don't take a chance when you have a choice' with a backdrop inscribed repeatedly with the word 'AIDS'; an anti-AIDS advertisement for Sex Education Counselling Research Thearpy Training issued by the Family Planning Association of India. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A woman on whose dress is written "Radicalism" has taken some "disestablishment poison" after reading that her lover has been hanged; the dog is eating the meal on the table, which is inscribed with "capital". Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 14 November 1885, after W. Hogarth.
  • A newly-wed couple (Barkis and Clara Peggotty) set off in a cart from the beach, accompanied by David Copperfield and Emily: Mr Peggotty tries to persuade Mrs Gummidge to throw a shoe after them. Etching by Hablot K. Browne, 1849.
  • British and East African sailors rescue slaves from a dhow and allot the women slaves as wives. Wood engraving after J. Nash, 1893.
  • Xanthippe rides on the back of Socrates with a whip in her hand. Mezzotint by J. Smith after HG.
  • The captain's bulletin, in reply to scribblers and meddlers : "Rule a wife and have a wife."
  • The captain's bulletin, in reply to scribblers and meddlers : "Rule a wife and have a wife."
  • Arranged and approved : it took our mothers a long time to understand and accept our relationship, but now they feel they have each gained another son / The Naz Project London ; photography by: Parminder Sekhon.
  • A countess's dress is inscribed with "Radicalism" and her lawyer (W.E. Gladstone) is pointing at a screen on which is written "verbosity, deception, lies". Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 31 October 1885, after W. Hogarth.
  • The wise virgins take their lamps to the newly married couple; the foolish virgins sleep. Colour wood engraving by E. Evans after D.H. Friston.
  • Two groups of bridesmaids wait by a bridge: one with candles, the other dejectedly staring at the ground; representing the biblical parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Etching by X. Steifensand after J.F. Overbeck, 1844.
  • Husbands bringing their ugly wives to a windmill, to be transformed into beautiful ones. Engraving, ca 1650.
  • A man and a woman in a vineyard in autumn; representing the benefits of the fiftieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
  • Husbands bringing their ugly wives to a windmill, to be transformed into beautiful ones. Engraving, ca 1650.
  • Three silhouette line figures with four further figures within holding pictures relating to Indian wedding ceremonies representing an AIDS prevention advertisement for families by GAP-SIRMCE. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A common cold germ asking the father of a neurasthenia bacillus if he can marry her; he is refused on account of the social gap between them. Pen drawing by C. Harrison, 1913.
  • A drunken gentleman proposes to a beautiful woman at her tea table, but is rejected. Lithograph, c. 1840, after T. Wilson.
  • In Paris, at the theatre of M. Comte, in 1819, a female dwarf was exhibited ... : Though the surgeons removed to Lincoln's Inn Fields at the commencement of this century ... Hunter's Museum, formerly in Leicester Square, was purchased from his widow by the government for 15,000£ ...
  • The ages of man represented in a step scheme; with the divine judgement under the stairs. Coloured etching.
  • Esther faints before King Ahasuerus. Engraving, by R. Strange, 1767, after R. Strange, 1762, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • Esther faints before the fierceness of Ahasuerus. Engraving by J. Frey after D. Zampieri, il Domenichino, ca. 1628.
  • A horse-drawn carriage has arrived at a church in a poor part of a town: a newly wed couple walk down the steps towards it as the coachman holds the door open and spectators stand by. Lithograph by C. Motte after V. Adam.
  • Arjuna in disguise a dancing teacher wooing Subhadra. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • A lady buys some black garters to cheer up her sick husband. Wood engraving, c. 1900.