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362 results
  • Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, Prince de Canino. Pencil drawing by C. E. Liverati, 1841.
  • Dog rose (Rosa canina) with an associated beetle and its anatomical segments. Coloured etching, c. 1831.
  • Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, Prince de Canino. Lithograph by D. Castellini after C. E. Liverati.
  • Dog rose (Rosa canina): flowering stem, leaf and fruit. Coloured engraving, c. 1829, after J. Sowerby.
  • Dog rose (Rosa canina): flowering stem, flower, fruit and bud. Coloured engraving, c. 1830, after J. Sowerby.
  • Four British wild flowers, including the burnet rose (Rosa spinosissima), eglantine rose (Rosa eglanteria) and dog rose (Rosa canina). Coloured lithograph, c. 1856, after H. Humphreys.
  • Viola canina L. Violaceae Distribution: Europe. Culpeper (1650) writes 'Violets (to whit the blew ones, for I know little or no use of the white ones in physic) ... provoke sleep, loosen the belly, resist fevers, help inflammations, ... ease pains in the head, help the roughness of the windpipe, soreness in the throat, inflammations in the breast and sides, pleurisies, open stoppings of the liver and help the yellow jaundice'. 'Violet leaves, they are cool, ease pains in the head proceeding of heat, and frenzies, either inwardly taken or outwardly applied, heat of the stomach, or inflammation of the lungs.' It still has the same reputation in modern herbal medicine, and while its safety is not known, it is regarded as edible and flowers are used to garnish salads. Larger quantities are emetic – make one vomit. Not licensed for use in Traditional Herbal Medicines in the UK (UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, with divers, and sundrye figures, and amongst the rest certayne nuefownde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye / Through Jacques Guillemeau ... And now truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A. M.
  • A normal fundus - two year old Spaniel
  • Direct ophthalmoscopes (used for examining the
  • Dog hindlimb, lateral (outer) view
  • Dog hindlimb, medial (inner) view
  • Diagram of CDV in Paget's Disease
  • Male lion skull
  • Male lion skull
  • Four nematode eggs in a faeces sample (from a
  • Segmented egg of toxocara canis (from a dog).
  • Fibrosarcoma: dog unresponsive to therapy
  • A dark brown iris of a dog.
  • Adult worms of toxocara canis (from dog)
  • Egg of toxascaris leonina (unsegmented)
  • A stunted puppy with heavy worm burden
  • Stomach of puppy: severe toxocariasis
  • Embryonated egg of toxocara canis (from a dog).
  • Toxocara canis egg hatching
  • A litter of puppies reared on concrete.
  • Toxocara canis adult worms (taken from a dog).