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308 results
  • 'Pepsencia'... / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Pepsencia'... / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Pepsencia'... / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Panopepton' presents solids in fluid form / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Panopepton' : the food for the sick / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Panopepton' : presents solids in fluid form / Fairchild Brothers & Foster.
  • 'Panopepton' : presents solids in fluid form / Fairchild Brothers & Foster.
  • 'Panopepton' : the food for the sick / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Zymine' peptonising tubes - Fairchild / Fairchild Bros. & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Zymine' peptonising tubes... / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Zymine' peptonising tubes... / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Zymine' peptonising tubes... / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Panopepton' : the pure nutritious substance of beef and wheat in perfect solution / Fairchild Brothers & Foster (Inc) New York.
  • 'Panopepton' : the food for the sick / Fairchild Bros. & Foster.
  • Illustrated safety tips on handling blood and syringes in English and Chinese; an anti AIDS advertisement by the Special Preventive Programme Department of Health, Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Drug advertising ephemera. Box 22.
  • Burroughs Wellcome & Co. Medical Formulae, 1881
  • Carved panelling in Burroughs Wellcome & Co offices
  • Portrait of Phil Tracy in p.1 of Wellcome News
  • 'Wellcome' Insulin : made with pure crystalline insulin : 'Wellcome' Protamine Insulin (with Zinc) - suspension.
  • Burroughs Wellcome & Co Advert: Portable "Tabloid" Medicines
  • Double immunité en trois injections.
  • Double immunité en trois injections.
  • Double immunité en trois injections.
  • Double immunité en trois injections.
  • A pharmacy sign advertising Burroughs Wellcome & Co.'s
  • Summer is icumen in... : 'B.W. & Co.' Antihistamines for hay-fever.
  • Medicines and Medicine chest: Peary North Pole 1909
  • 'Tabloid' 'Empirin' Compound with Codeine.
  • Summer is icumen in... : 'B.W. & Co.' Antihistamines for hay-fever.