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1,086 results
  • SEM guinea pig cochlea, still in skull
  • Patient with cerebral abscess following skull fracture
  • SEM guinea pig cochlea lying in skull
  • Drawing of a human skull, facing forwards
  • Drawing of a human skull, in profile
  • A human skull showing signs of Trepanning.
  • A human skull showing signs of Trepanning.
  • A human skull showing signs of Trepanning.
  • Four sketches of an ancient British skull
  • Calvarial (skull) osteocytes, murine, THG and SHG
  • A man holding a skull. Oil painting.
  • Adrien de Mortillet, holding a skull. Photograph.
  • Shrunken head compared with normal human skull.
  • A skull. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1964.
  • A skull. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1964.
  • Chick embryo skull bones at day 16
  • A skull: side view. Red chalk drawing.
  • Skull-cap or helmet flower (Scutellaria orientalis): flowering plant and floral segments. Etching, c. 1718, after C. Aubriet.
  • Skull: lateral section, with blood-vessels indicated in red and blue. Watercolour after(?) W.H. Lizars, ca. 1826.
  • A phrenologist holding a skull palpates a girl's skull, while her mother looks on. Lithograph by A-N. Delaunois after A. Debacq.
  • A skull prepared for demonstration: side view. Photograph.
  • A skull prepared for demonstration: front view. Photograph.
  • Human skull, seen from below. Line engraving, 1780/1800?.
  • Human skull, seen from above. Line engraving, 1780/1800?.
  • Romano-Brithish skull, used for a foundation burial.
  • SEM guinea pig cochlea in skull,ossicles vis
  • Left lateral view of skull of M. elatus
  • Engraving showing the diseased part of a skull
  • A young man with a skull. Oil painting.
  • Secular ceremonial headdress, incorporating human skull, Nepalese/Tibetan