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517 results
  • Lourdes, France: an invalid being wheeled through to the baths while other ill pilgrims await their turn for immersion by the priest. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Brahman priest with a musical shell and a bell, being used at a religious ceremony, Calcutta, West Bengal. Coloured etching by François Balthazar Solvyns, 1799.
  • Saint Benedict of Nursia: he frees a priest who had been possessed by devils. Engraving by G. Fabbri, 1776, after D. Fratta after L. Carracci.
  • The good Samaritan tending to a wounded man while a priest and a Levite walk on by. Line engraving by T. Cook, 1809, after W. Hogarth.
  • Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège: the priest faces a portrait of Father Antoine, entreating him to help heal a sick follower. Photograph by Kurt Lubinski, 1920/1940.
  • Saint Severin of Noricum awakens from the dead the priest Silvinus, in the presence of five other men. Engraving by R. Sadeler after J.M. Kager.
  • A young knight in full armour receiving extreme unction from a priest surrounded by his grieving family. Line engraving with stipple by J. Goodyear after G. Cattermole.
  • A dying man receiving extreme unction from a priest while surrounded by servants and his grieving family. Etching by A. Baratti after A. Novelli after B. Picart.
  • The good Samaritan seeing to a man's wounds while a priest and Levite walk into the distance. Etching by W. Unger after F.G. Bassano the younger.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching after Raphael.
  • A man in religious dress is looking up to the weather vane on the top of the church which has the head of a priest for decoration. Etching.
  • A priest in a cassock is singing from a large book propped up in front of him and in front of those who are accompanying him. Coloured engraving.
  • Maria Diaz sick in bed, a priest attending her and her mother praying to Christ on the cross. Oil painting by a Portuguese (?) painter, 19th century.
  • A Protestant marriage ceremony is performed in Alsace by a priest in the company of the couple's relatives. Etching by P.A. Rajon, ca. 1878, after G. Brion.
  • A marriage ceremony is performed with the priest in the pulpit and the couple standing before two cushions which they shall kneel on when they take their vows.
  • A priest with a protective cage (?) covering his head, holding a stick with smoke coming out of a pot attached at the top. Watercolour by an Indian artist.
  • The marriage of Pocohontas to John Rolfe: the couple are shown being married in the open air by a Western priest, surrounded by Native Americans. Lithograph after Holenstein, 1861.
  • A man dressed in a loincloth is tortured on the rack with a priest bending over him to extract a confession. Wood engraving by B. Pug after J.M.
  • The good Samaritan stops to help a wounded man who has been previously ignored by a priest and Levite. Wood engraving by C.A. Zscheckel after J. Schnorr von Carolsfeld.
  • A marriage ceremony for Scottish Covenanters is performed on a mountain range by a priest with the young couple surrounded by family guests. Engraving by P. Lightfoot after Alex Johnston.
  • A man is falling down the stairs of the pulpit watched by the congregation in the church, as he falls he pulls the robe of the priest. Etching after George Cruikshank.
  • A priest at Lourdes holding up a monstrance to a sick girl who walks towards it, in the background are groups of people on stretchers. Etching by J.L. Forain, 1912.
  • The inside of a jail of the Inquisition, with a priest supervising his scribe while men and women are suspended from pulleys, tortured on the rack or burnt with torches. Etching.
  • A young woman is standing on a beach looking out to sea through a telescope which she is resting on the shoulder of a Catholic priest. Wood engraving after P. Thumann.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching by B. Lépicié, 1721, after Raphael.
  • The inside of a jail of the Spanish Inquisition, with a priest supervising his scribe while men and women are suspended from pulleys, tortured on the rack or burnt with torches. Etching.
  • Above, the martyr Cuthbert Simpson is tortured on the rack in the Tower of London; below, Roger Holland, a Protestant priest, christens his child secretly in the Protestant faith. Engraving with etching, 1812.
  • A dying man receiving extreme unction from a priest while surrounded by his grieving family. Line engraving with etching by N.F.J. Masquelier and A.J. Dubois Drahonet after J.B. Jouvenet.
  • Vishnu in his incarnation as Parasurama, a Brahman (priest) in battle with Kartavirya, a Kshatriya king, to prove the supremacy of Brahmans over Kshatriyas (kings and warriors). Gouache painting by an Indian painter.
  • Plan of Priene, in Griechische Stadeanlagen