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169 results
  • Venus standing on a heart, holding a sword that passes through another heart; a suppliant kneels before her; around them are various hearts, pierced with an arrow, aflame, sawn, stabbed, broken, in a vice, etc. Coloured photograph by E. Charles, 1967, after Meister Casper, ca. 1470.
  • A tooth-drawer holding up a tooth after extracting it from a patient, who is spitting blood out of the window. Engraving by W. French after G. Dou, 1672.
  • A tooth-drawer holding up a tooth after extracting it from a patient, who is spitting blood out of the window. Engraving by D.J. Pound after G. Dou, 1672.
  • A tooth-drawer holding up a tooth after extracting it from a patient, who is spitting blood out of the window. Coloured lithograph by J.A.(?). Pecht, 1836, after G. Dou, 1672.
  • The tax on medicine represented as a tax on illness and, ultimately, even on the 'abnormality' of healthiness: ten vignettes. Photomechanical reproduction of a wood engraving by H. Maigrot, 1907.
  • Medical and pharmaceutical equipment advertising Frith Bros.' pharmacy shops in Surrey and Middlesex. Colour lithograph by D.W. Burley.
  • Directions for taking Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixir / James M. Crosby.
  • Directions for taking Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixir / James M. Crosby.
  • Directions for taking Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixir / James M. Crosby.
  • Directions for taking Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixir / James M. Crosby.
  • Chinese woodcut: Chest Centre abscess
  • Acu-moxa chart: Heart Envelope channel of hand jueyin
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian dressing a chest wound. Oil painting by Antoine de Favray, 1748.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian dressing a chest wound. Oil painting by Antoine de Favray, 1748.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian dressing a chest wound. Oil painting by Antoine de Favray, 1748.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian dressing a chest wound. Oil painting by Antoine de Favray, 1748.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian dressing a chest wound. Oil painting by Antoine de Favray, 1748.
  • Cistus ladanifer L., Cistaceae. Common Gum Cistus or Ladanum/labdanum. Distribution: Southern Europe and N. Africa. The fragrant resin from the sticky leaves, Gum Labdanum, is extracted and used in Mediterranean regions as an insecticide and deodorant ((Lewis & Elvin-Lewis, 2003). Lyte (1578) advises local application to prevent hair loss and cure earache
  • Borago officinalis L. Boraginaceae. Borage. officinalis indicates it was used in the 'offices' - the consulting clinics - of medieval monks. Distribution: Europe. Culpeper: “... comforts the heart, cheers the spirit, drives away sadness and melancholy, they are rather laxative than binding
  • Saponaria officinalis 'Alba Plena'
  • Viola tricolor 'Black Magic'
  • Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: Sweet dew
  • Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: Salt
  • Bencao Gangmu -- Ming materia medica, Trifoliate orange, etc.
  • Acu-moxa chart: Channels and acupoints of the leg and foot
  • Tibetan medicine and its divine origins. Distemper painting by Chundu, 1970.
  • Tibetan medicine and its divine origins. Distemper painting by Chundu, 1970.
  • Tibetan medicine and its divine origins. Distemper painting by Chundu, 1970.
  • Tibetan medicine and its divine origins. Distemper painting by Chundu, 1970.
  • Tibetan medicine and its divine origins. Distemper painting by Chundu, 1970.