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202 results
  • A depressed scholar surrounded by mythological figures; representing the melancholy temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A specimen of printing types / Joseph Fry and Sons, letter-founders, Worship-Street, Moorfields.
  • A specimen of printing types / Joseph Fry and Sons, letter-founders, Worship-Street, Moorfields.
  • C. Plinii Secondi Naturalis historiae libri xxxvii / e castigationibus Hermolai Barbari ac codicis in Alemania impressi quam emendatissime editi. Additio indice q[ue] copiosissimo, figurisq[ue] ad singulorum librorum materiam aptissimis.
  • The goddess Diana presiding over military figures representing the choleric temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • The goddess Diana presiding over military figures representing the choleric temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A cherubic Aesculapius fends off death with medicine. Engraving by Le Roy after C-P. Marillier.
  • Carolus Linnaeus receives honour from Aesculapius, Flora, Ceres and Cupid. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Caldwall, 1806, after J. Russell and J. Opie.
  • Carolus Linnaeus receives honour from Aesculapius, Flora, Ceres and Cupid. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Caldwall, 1806, after J. Russell and J. Opie.
  • A drunken Bacchus cavorts atop the globe, accompanied by Fortune; to his right physicians and quacks fight for legitimacy; to his left the scales held by a blindfold Justice are tipped by a lawyer's money: an allegory of the world of justice and health overturned into one of chance and greed. Coloured etching by Daniël Veelwaard I after J. Smies, 1809.
  • A bodybuilder poses with his back to the viewer. Photographic postcard, 192-.
  • A bodybuilder poses with his back to the viewer. Photographic postcard, 192-.
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs: symbolising the element earth. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1796, after F. Albani.
  • A statue of Attis, front and back views, showing male genitals and female breasts. Engraving, 1669.
  • A statue of Attis, front and back views, showing male genitals and female breasts. Engraving, 1669.
  • A statue of Attis, front and back views, showing male genitals and female breasts. Engraving, 1669.
  • Caricatural illustration of ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs, symbolising the element earth. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Hygieia stands before a pyramid engraved with the names of famous figures in the history of medicine. Etching by B. Hübner, 1777.
  • Analysis of beauty. Plate I.
  • Analysis of beauty. Plate I.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching after Raphael.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching by B. Lépicié, 1721, after Raphael.
  • Allegorical and historical scenes of medicine: including a dissection and a distillation laboratory, and Hygieia receiving the organic and mineral bounty of the earth employed in remedies. Engraving by J.F. Fleischberger, 1660.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. Oil painting.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. Oil painting.
  • Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. Oil painting.
  • An anatomical dissection by Jean Riolan the younger (1580-1657). Engraving of 1649 by Renier van Persyn after a design of 1626 by Crispijn de Passe the second.
  • Tiarella 'Pinwheel'
  • A. Cornelius Celsus, profile bust on a pedestal. Engraving.