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609 results
  • Use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root : kidney, liver & bladder cure.
  • Tubilin diuretico hepato-renal a base de orthosipon staminous ... : Tabletas Esperin : cardiotonico, diuretico, vaso-dilatador central, anti-asmatico ... / Azpeco Chemical Company.
  • Tubilin diuretico hepato-renal a base de orthosipon staminous ... : Tabletas Esperin : cardiotonico, diuretico, vaso-dilatador central, anti-asmatico ... / Azpeco Chemical Company.
  • Rheumatism ... : Capsifor Helfenberg / W. Bredt.
  • Ayer's cherry pectoral cures colds, coughs & all diseases of the throat and lungs / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Ayer's cherry pectoral for the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, and consumption / prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Ayer's cherry pectoral for the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, and consumption / prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Productos LADA Artrisedina ... : Productos LADA Testimedul : estado astenicos e impotencia, debilidad general ...  / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.
  • Productos LADA Artrisedina ... : Productos LADA Testimedul : estado astenicos e impotencia, debilidad general ...  / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.
  • Beechams "B" puzzle : "B" is for Beechams, and many other things. See who can count the greatest number ...  / Beechams.
  • Beechams "B" puzzle : "B" is for Beechams, and many other things. See who can count the greatest number ...  / Beechams.
  • Ayer's cherry pectoral : cures colds & coughs : Penn's treaty (1682 or 1683?) / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Nipisan : a natural medicine compounded by mother earth ...
  • Ayer's cherry pectoral : cures colds & coughs : Penn's treaty (1682 or 1683?) / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Drenurol : artritismo! / Laboratorios: Dr. Laureano Pequeño.
  • Drenurol : artritismo! / Laboratorios: Dr. Laureano Pequeño.
  • Antialergicos Nodarse : Asmaoral : terapeutica antiasmatica ... / Laboratorios Nodarse S.A.
  • Antialergicos Nodarse : Asmaoral : terapeutica antiasmatica ... / Laboratorios Nodarse S.A.
  • Medicación anti-histaminica : Neo-Alergan (metoxibencil dimetil amino piridina) : indicaciones urticaria, dermatosis, alergia gastrointestinal, rinitis, pruritis, asma / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • Medicación anti-histaminica : Neo-Alergan (metoxibencil dimetil amino piridina) : indicaciones urticaria, dermatosis, alergia gastrointestinal, rinitis, pruritis, asma / Instituto Sanitas Sociedad Peruana.
  • Two "Seabury" items of importance to medical men : the "Perfection" Boil Plaster.
  • Darlow & Co.'s new patent (1874) Ferro Magnetine.
  • Darlow & Co.'s new patent (1874) Ferro Magnetine.
  • Para la terapia peroral de la diabetes mellitus, Rastinon Hoechst ... : Novocaina >T< ... / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Para la terapia peroral de la diabetes mellitus, Rastinon Hoechst ... : Novocaina >T< ... / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.
  • Cyclospasmol.
  • Cyclospasmol.
  • Carter's Little Nerve Pills for the nervous & dyspeptic : find - cow, owl, fox, frog, parrot, horse, lizard, goose, man smoking pipe, rooster crowing, General Grant, Romeo and Juliet ... / Carter Medicine Co.
  • Carter's Little Nerve Pills for the nervous & dyspeptic : find - cow, owl, fox, frog, parrot, horse, lizard, goose, man smoking pipe, rooster crowing, General Grant, Romeo and Juliet ... / Carter Medicine Co.
  • Cyclospasmol.