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336 results
  • An écorché face showing the muscles involved in the expression of terror. Stipple engraving by H. Singleton (?) after G.T. Stubbs after G. Stubbs, 1815.
  • A dentist scaring a patient by telling how painful the drill he is going to use is. Reproduction of a drawing after A. Yeoman, 1940.
  • Kali holding a demon's head. Watercolour.
  • People scrambling to get away from a person with leprosy. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • A giant hand roaming through the dark streets of London, people and rats try to escape its grasp; representing bubonic plague. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • A man with toothache sits in his nightgown, with a handkerchief around his face, in a surgery [?], and is discovered by "Botsam" in fright to be turning into a devil. Wood engraving by F. Wentworth after H.K. Browne.
  • Esther faints before King Ahasuerus. Engraving, by R. Strange, 1767, after R. Strange, 1762, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • Esther faints before the fierceness of Ahasuerus. Engraving by J. Frey after D. Zampieri, il Domenichino, ca. 1628.
  • Kali standing triumphantly over Shiva's corpse. Chromolithograph.
  • A terrified patient misunderstanding his doctor. Reproduction of a drawing after G.S. Dixon, 1924.
  • A collage directed by downward arrows of a photograph of a man, a woman, a drawing of a bed and a condom interpersed with lettering relating to a couple who meet but then come into contact with AIDS; one of a series of posters representing an advertisement for a competition for posters of images against AIDS. Colour lithograph by Delphine Chanet.
  • A crowd of people sitting in the sun with a tear down the middle to reveal a black triangular cavity; representing the effects of the marginalisation of people with AIDS. Colour lithograph by Enrico Delmastro, ca. 1995.
  • A warning about the hazardous and the non-hazardous practices in relation to the transmission of AIDS issued by the Bundesministerium für Jugend, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit [Federal Ministry for Youth, Family, Women and Health]. Colour lithograph.
  • Kali standing on Shiva with a howling dog. Lithograph.
  • The resurrected Christ rises over terrified soldiers. Engraving after A. Dürer, 1512.
  • A naked man wearing a necklace with one hand on his chest and the message in German ''show posture'; an advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, AIDS Suisse Contre le SIDA and Aiuto AIDS Svizzero. Lithograph, 1990.
  • The resurrected Christ rises over terrified soldiers. Watercolour painting.
  • An army officer lectures his bored class on the effects of gas, one student is made to wear a gas mask while another wickedly tries to set light to it. Pen and ink drawing by H. Bury, 1916.
  • Esther swoons before Ahasuerus. Engraving by J. Audran after A. Coypel.
  • A boy angel appears as Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son. Lithograph by G. Sensi y Baldachi after A. del Sarto, 1529.
  • Kali with all of her symbols and dog. Gouache drawing.
  • A man with a beard and moustache with one hand in his pocket wearing a dark jumper bearing two white lines; with the message in Italian: "Am I a human being or just a sick person with AIDS"; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' solidarity campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Lithograph by Christian Vogt.
  • Two flowers and a heart representing love and life with the words "Liebes Leben"; advertising an exhibition about AIDS in Leipzig. Colour lithograph by Studio Andreas Heller for the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, 1995.
  • The resurrected Christ flying above soldiers. Engraving.
  • Christ resurrected emerges from his tomb. Line engraving by S.A. Bolswert after P.P. Rubens.
  • Kali trampling Shiva. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • Eve receives the forbidden fruit from a serpent in the shape of a woman; the angel expels Adam and Eve from paradise. Engraving by A. Capellan, 1772, after Michelangelo.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: one patient has his leg dressed, another gets injected and two nurses roll a bandage. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • Kālī standing triumphantly over Shiva. Chromolithograph.
  • Charles Bell, Essays on the anatomy of