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3,907 results
  • A Scotsman with a rifle, sword and shield guarding barrels (of tobacco?). Wood-engraving, mid-19th century.
  • A man with tankard in hand leans by a window. Mezzotint, early 19th century, after A. van Ostade.
  • A man on horseback surveys his house in a tobacco plantation in Cuba. Tinted lithograph, mid-19th century.
  • A physician examining a urine flask brought by a young woman. Oil painting, 19th century, after Hendrik Heerschop.
  • A Vespetro label illustrated with tropical plants and animals. Lithograph by E. Goy, 19th century, after G. Brunner.
  • A French liqueur label illustrated with a beautiful garden. Lithograph by E. Goy, 19th century, after G. Brunner.
  • A tea plantation in China: monkeys gather tea leaves for men with baskets. Coloured aquatint, early 19th century.
  • Two Chinese opium smokers, one reclines on a bed and the other sits. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • Various items of brewing apparatus and their constituent parts. Engraving by J. Taylor, 19th century, after C. Varley.
  • A physician examining a urine flask brought by a young woman. Oil painting, 19th century, after Hendrik Heerschop.
  • Two Malay men and a woman sit and recline on the floor smoking opium. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • Two Chinese opium smokers in a booth watched by a woman who fans herself. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • A liqueur label illustrated with the bust of a French seaman and sprigs of rosemary. Coloured engraving, 19th century.
  • Britannia holding a trident in one hand and tobacco leaves in the other. Engraving by Silvester, early 19th century.
  • An old woman with a tankard in one hand taking a pinch of snuff. Coloured engraving, early 19th century.
  • An old woman with a tankard in one hand taking a pinch of snuff. Coloured engraving, early 19th century.
  • Two Malay men and a woman sit and recline on the floor smoking opium. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • A French liqueur label illustrated with a beautiful maiden seated on an eagle's wing. Engraving by Portier, 19th century.
  • A club room where various men lounge about and one serves drink at a counter. Coloured etching, mid 19th century.
  • A Chinese tea plantation with workers cleaning the racks on which the leaves are laid. Coloured etching, early 19th century.
  • A society lunch with patrons playing dice, smoking and drinking. Lithograph by R. Leitner, mid-19th century, after D. Teniers.
  • Two Chinese opium smokers reclining in a booth watched by a woman with bound feet. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • Five men sit indoors smoking and drinking, others play cards. Engraving, mid-19th century, by W. French after D. Teniers.
  • A woman whose physiognomy expresses (according to Lavater) weakness, affectation and languor. Engraving by Barlow, 19th century, after J.M. Schmutzer.
  • Two men face one another, one looks bemused and the other smokes a pipe upside down. Wood-engraving, mid-19th century.
  • A black man (Native American?) leans on a barrel while holding a pipe and tobacco leaves. Wood-engraving, mid-19th century.
  • The ornamental bowl of a pipe on which is seated a miniature female figure drinking tea. Etching, early 19th century (?).
  • Plan of Wellcome museum galleries: 1st floor showing new arrangement, 1942, Dr Daukes scheme: Renaissance, 17th century, 18th century, 19th & 20th centuries, history of disease, research.
  • Comic sketch of a fat man being rowed in a boat with the name of cigar importer below. Woodcut, early 19th century.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh smoking a pipe and being doused by a servant who thinks he's on fire. Wood-engraving, mid-19th century.