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174 results filtered with: Vaccination
  • Immunity.
  • An old doctor, about to vaccinate a young lady, leers at her chest; he says he can see two injections that have taken well. Process print by Rousset after J-A. Faivre.
  • Mon sex-planning / IPERGAY, un essai ANRS.
  • L'hépatite B & les gays : pourquoi se faire vacciner / réalisé par ACTIS, AIDES, ALS, CRIPS Rhône-Alpes, Keep Smiling et SNEG Rhône-Alpes.
  • Papers relating to the history and practice of vaccination.
  • Can you take three pricks? : close talking : taking the time to talk about how you feel / Axis, C.L.A.S.H., Rubberstuffers.
  • Lepra / prokaza / izlechima / World Health Organization.
  • A man vaccinating a small girl, other girls with loosened bodices wait their turn apprehensively. Gouache by L. Calkin, ca. 1901.
  • Edward Jenner vaccinating his son, held by Mrs Jenner; a maid rolls up her sleeve, a man stands outside holding a cow. Coloured engraving by C. Manigaud after E Hamman.
  • L'hépatite B et les gays : pourquoi se faire vacciner?.
  • Edward Jenner vaccinates a young child on its mother's lap: prosperous domestic interior. Lithograph attributed to J.-L. Tirpenne, 1820/1830.
  • Love safely ... wear a condom. 2, Don't wait, vaccinate : Hep B. is a major threat to gay men's health : free vaccination is available at any GUM clinic / Health First ; Tony May photographer.
  • Mon sex-planning / IPERGAY, un essai ANRS.
  • A comparison between smallpox and cowpox pustules on the 14th and 15th days of the disease. Chromolithograph, 1896, after G. Kirtland.
  • National immunisation programme in Djibouti. Colour lithograph by Ministère de la Santé, ca. 2002.
  • An arm with inflamed vaccine pustule. Coloured etching by W. Cuff and W. Skelton after E. Pearce.
  • A baby receiving a vaccination: Immunization against diseases in children in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Division of Health Education, ca. 2000.
  • A vaccinated man grows horns in front of a couple with a lancet. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • The confirmation ceremony for a group of boys; one of them confuses confirmation with vaccination. Coloured aquatint by G. Hunt, 1831.
  • Tombstones recording the deaths of Benjamin Jesty and his wife Elizabeth Jesty. Photograph by E.A. Underwood, 1956.
  • A woman weeps at her paramour's bed; the doctor puts away his lancet. Coloured lithograph by Joséphine-Clémence Formentin after C. Philipon, ca 1829.
  • The history of vaccination seen from an economic point of view: A pharmacy up for sale; an outmoded inoculist selling his premises; Jenner, to the left, pursues a skeleton with a lancet. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Trattato di vaccinazione con osservazioni sul giavardo e vajuolo pecorino / Del dottore Luigi Sacco ... Con quattro tavole miniate.
  • Polyvalent conococcal vaccine for the treatment of acute and chronic gonorrhoea and for provocative stimulation.
  • A comparison between smallpox and cowpox pustules on the 16th day of the disease. Chromolithograph, 1896, after G. Kirtland.
  • A parade of wretched, smallpocked people walk away from a doctor who counts his money. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • A bill for ensuring the benefit of vaccination to such poor persons as are desirous thereof : ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 16 June 1815.
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician riding a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession that scares children; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • A woman refusing to get into a cab believing she will catch smallpox, the driver humorously reassures her. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1863.