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97 results filtered with: Twins, Conjoined
  • [Copy of a broadside printed by R. Weston of Biddenden, Kent, giving a brief history of the Siamese twins Elisabeth and Mary Chulkhurst, the 'Biddenden maids'. ].
  • [Pages 13-16 (1860s?) from a leaflet / catalgue (?) about 'The Heteradelph, or, Double-bodied Boy' on display at Dr. Kahn's Museum near Leicester Square, London].
  • [Folded leaflet (purple paper - copies on turquoise paper exist) advertising appearances of 'The Pygopagi Twins', Josepha and Rosalie Blazek, conjoined twins, in some sort of performance at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London, in late 1880. The "Bohemian" twins were under the patronage of the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria and other distinguished personages. The twins both died at the age of 45. ].
  • [Pages 13-16 (1860s?) from a leaflet / catalgue (?) about 'The Heteradelph, or, Double-bodied Boy' on display at Dr. Kahn's Museum near Leicester Square, London].
  • [Newspaper clipping (1868?) featuring a  portrait of 'The Siamese Twins' Chang and Eng].
  • Twins share one vision : 'incredible' sisters stun experts by seeing through each other's eyes.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by Siamese Youths, united brothers Chang and Eng at 15 Poultry, London].