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317 results filtered with: Jesus Christ
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Saint Joseph with the Christ Child. Gouache painting.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Saint Joseph with the Christ Child. Etching by Ventura Salimbeni, il Bevilacqua, after G. Reni.
  • The physician as Christ. Line engraving after H. Goltzius.
  • Predella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint Paul. Oil painting by a French (?) painter.
  • Jesus and the apostles encounter a man. Woodcut.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth. Line block after a wood engraving by Timms after G.A.H. Cabasson after B.E. Murillo.
  • Christ holding a lily. Lithograph by W.C. Maguire.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child, Saint Jerome, Saint Peter the Apostle, Saint Clare and Saint Francis of Assisi. Engraving by J.H. Wright, 1816, after W.M. Craig after L. Lotto.
  • Christ and the woman taken in adultery. Engraving by R. Pranker, 176-, after J. (?) Houbraken.
  • Christ with Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin), Saint John the Baptist, Saint Paul the Apostle and Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Engraving by M.A. Raimondi after Raphael.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist. Engraving after A.G.L. Desnoyers after Raphael.
  • Saint Francis of Paula receiving the infant Christ from the Virgin Mary; two cherubs are watching the scene. Engraving by M. Lasne after P.P. Rubens, ca. 1640.
  • Christ talks to a kneeling woman in a wood. Etching.
  • Christ on a triumphal chariot with saints, martyrs, sibyls and other figures; representing the triumph of faith (?). Engraving by S. Pomarede after G.A. Buti after Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • Saint Catherine of Siena: Christ invites her to kiss the wound in his side and drink his blood. Engraving by V. Salimbeni, 1588.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist. Colour stipple engraving by L. Brion de la Tour the younger after G.F. Penni.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elisabeth. Mezzotint by V. Green, 1774, after Josiah Boydell after T. Willeboirts.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Colour crayon-manner print by W. Baillie, 1773, after L. Sabbatini.
  • Predella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint Paul. Oil painting by a French (?) painter.
  • Christ, with a sword in his mouth, between seven candlesticks; representing a stage in the alchemical process. Coloured etching after etching, 1772/3.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist. Etching by F. Bartolozzi after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • Saint John Nepomucen: at the door of a building he has a vision of the Virgin and Christ Child. Engraving on red silk.
  • Christ and the woman taken in adultery. Engraving by P. Anderloni after Titian.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata of Christ from the seraph; vignettes of Christ and the Apostles in the border. Engraving, 16--.
  • The adoration of the magi. Engraving by H. Wierix.
  • The archangel Michael, holding a flaming sword and the scales of justice; in heaven the angels kneel before Christ; representing the Day of Judgement. Woodcut.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Elizabeth, Saint Paul the Apostle, Saint Peter the Apostle and Saint Francis of Assisi. Colour etching by A. Scacciati after Perino del Vaga (?).
  • Saint Francis of Assisi holding the Christ Child. Crayon-manner print by C. Josi after Sir P.P. Rubens.
  • Predella with three scenes of Saint Roch, and figures of Saint Peter, Christ as Salvator Mundi, Saint Laurence and Saint Paul. Oil painting by a French (?) painter.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Saint Joseph with the Christ Child. Etching by G. Reni after himself.