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237 results filtered with: Dyspepsia - drug therapy
  • Boyer. : Eau des carmes : 16, Mark Lane London : beware of conterfeits.
  • Analgit ampulas, pildoras : reumatismo agudo y cronico, neuralgias, anafilaxias, trastornos hepaticos : Tabletas Charcolin ... / Azpeco Chemical Co.
  • To the health : Burdock Blood Bitters.
  • Admiration : Burdock Blood Bitters.
  • Especialidades Nadeau : calidad responsibilidad resultados : Pepandrine ... Calcipan ... Valaubel ... Glytapod ... Mecosal ...  / Ethical Products, S.A.
  • Analgit ampulas, pildoras : reumatismo agudo y cronico, neuralgias, anafilaxias, trastornos hepaticos : Tabletas Charcolin ... / Azpeco Chemical Co.
  • Our motto is "curative" : The Magnetic Pill (patented) tonic and aperient.
  • Sedalka "Frosst" : granulado alcalino efervescente y sedativo / Charles E. Frosst & Co. ; distribuidores exclusivos para Cuba: Distribuidora Cubana.
  • Carter's Little Nerve Pills for the nervous & dyspeptic : find - cow, owl, fox, frog, parrot, horse, lizard, goose, man smoking pipe, rooster crowing, General Grant, Romeo and Juliet ... / Carter Medicine Co.
  • Dr. Grosvenor's Liveraid : the wonderful liver remedy : small doses, prompt effect.
  • Flatulence is not merely relieved, but cured by being prevented, through taking Tablones.
  • 'Alkagen' tablets & lozenges : an effective antacid and carminative for hyperacidity and flatulence.
  • Relief from dyspepsia and heartburn : Zantac : turns down the acid to turn down the pain.
  • Dr. Rooke's Oriental Pills and Solar Elixir.
  • Home, health and happiness / Bile Bean Manufacturing Co.
  • Indigestion? : take... Moorland Antacid Indigestion Tablets for the relief of indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia, flatulence, acidity.
  • Boyer. : Eau des carmes : 16, Mark Lane London : beware of conterfeits.
  • Use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root : kidney, liver & bladder cure.
  • Health for the grown person : health for children : Jaynes Expectorant.
  • Parker's Tonic : the great health and strength  restorer : cures coughs, consumption, asthma by rejuvenating the blood / Hiscox & Co.
  • Carter's Little Nerve Pills for the nervous & dyspeptic : find - cow, owl, fox, frog, parrot, horse, lizard, goose, man smoking pipe, rooster crowing, General Grant, Romeo and Juliet ... / Carter Medicine Co.
  • Dr. Mettaur's Headache Pills : a sure cure. Twenty-five cents.
  • The cause of stomach troubles : being a treatise on the successful treatment of such disorders as: indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, acidity, flatulence, flushed face, waterbrash, wind, etc. by Bisurated Magnesia / Bismag Limited.
  • Especialidades Nadeau : calidad responsibilidad resultados : Pepandrine ... Calcipan ... Valaubel ... Glytapod ... Mecosal ...  / Ethical Products, S.A.
  • Relief from dyspepsia and heartburn : Zantac : turns down the acid to turn down the pain.
  • Bile Beans keep you healthy, happy and slim ... keep you fit & well and are excellent for constipation, headaches and biliousness.
  • Regyl.
  • Andursil special bonus offer ; 15 for 12.
  • Health for grown persons.
  • To the health : Burdock Blood Bitters.