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608 results filtered with: Dogs
  • A communal house, the men sit drinking around a table while the women look after the children, weave hay and the older children cook. Engraving by C. Bouzonnet Stella after J. Stella.
  • St Katharine's Hospital, Regent's Park, London: seen from the road. Engraving by I. Woods after J. Salmon after R. Garland.
  • King George II and Queen Caroline with their ten children (?). Etching.
  • Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Pyrenees: the thermal baths and visitors. Lithograph by J. Jacottet and A. Bayot, 1841.
  • Making him a better dog... / Spillers Victoria Foods Ltd.
  • The stairs at York Buildings, the Strand; in the background are the tower of the waterworks and Westminster Bridge. Engraving by I. Taylor, c.1780.
  • An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, while two attendants manacle his legs: his lover, Sarah Young, cries in distress, they are surrounded by lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by H. Fernell after W. Hogarth, 1735.
  • A characterful lady who looks after dogs. Engraving.
  • Schools of St. Mary-the-less, Lambeth. Wood engraving by J. S. Heaviside after B. Sly, 1860.
  • What if YOUR pet has fleas? / Bayer.
  • Conduite à risque : laisser Kiki fair n'importe quoi : conduite à tenir : se faire dépister / SNEG, santé & prévention.
  • Naylor's Dog Show consisting of prize dogs of various breeds... : novelty extraordinary giant rat... : Mr. Samson, the wonderful Living Skeleton Man who is greatly contrasted with the extraordinary American Fat Child.
  • The Roman emperor Valens pours money into a coffer; an officer is arrested and led to prison. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • Men are out shooting pheasant on the moors, a dog is returning with the catch in his mouth. Engraving by J.H. Engelheart after A. Cooper.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor performing on stage at a bustling fair. Engraving by J. Moyreau, 1743, after P. Wouwerman.
  • Old Calabar dog biscuits : moderato : allure modérée.
  • Poop scoop campaign / Lewisham Directorate of Environmental Services ; Contracts Management Group.
  • Conduite à risque : laisser Kiki fair n'importe quoi : conduite à tenir : se faire dépister / ENIPSE.
  • Worm control in dogs and cats / Sherley's Ltd.
  • The bureau of wet nurses in Paris - wet nurses waiting to be selected. Aquatint after C. Brocas, 1822.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares from a stage to a large audience in a town square. Engraving.
  • Caring for your pet / Seven Seas Veterinary Division.
  • Diana returning from the chase bearing dead birds meets Pan holding grapes and other fruit. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens.
  • An operator treating the carbuncled nose of an obese patient with "Perkins's tractors". Coloured aquatint after J. Gillray, 1801.
  • A shepherd sits outside on a cold winter's day sharing his meal with his dog. Colour print after E. Duncan.
  • The risen Christ appears as a ghost to the apostles. Lithograph, 1835, after G. Huret, 1664.
  • The hot baths and infirmary, Bath. Steel engraving by J.B. Allen, 1829, after T.H. Shepherd.
  • An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, his lover (Sarah Young) cries at the spectacle while two attendants attach chains to his legs; they are surrounded by other lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1763.
  • A woman is sitting on a stool with a basket on her lap and a dog at her feet. Etching by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • An operator treating the carbuncled nose of an obese patient with "Perkins's tractors". Coloured aquatint after J. Gillray, 1801.