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969 results filtered with: Book
  • Plate showing instruments for 'fistula in ano'.
  • Woodcut of Mexican lizard
  • Map showing the Moslem EMpire - 750 AD.
  • A man showing the towns and villages in Middlesex mentioned by Defoe
  • Facts for the most part. . respecting contagion.
  • Instruments for varicose veins -knife and blunt hook.
  • C. Stromayr: Sewing wound after herniotomy. 1559
  • Manufacture of glass. Valentini, Museum museorum. 1704
  • Epistolae reponsoriae duae...
  • page 65, "De causis respiratione...", Vesalius, 1536
  • Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal.
  • Caduceus surmounted by Pegasus and cornucopiae
  • Portrait of Cervi.
  • L. da Vinci manuscript notebooks MS A
  • Woodcut: muscles, circa 1530-1545.
  • Stone circle at Inveranran, Glanfalloch, Perthshire. P.S.A.S.
  • Birth of the Virgin by Andrea Pisano, Bronze relief
  • Hirschbergischen warmen Bades...foreword
  • Clay pit showing permanent water, Herts/Beds.
  • Iron Age grave at Aylesford, Kent.
  • "Simple...pain" from le Brun, Heads. Representing the various passions of the soul..., circa 1760
  • Sporadic Cretinism
  • Ernst von Bergmann (1836-1907) demonstrating to students in Berlin
  • Use of the Seton.
  • Pravaz syringe
  • Hirschbergischen warmen Bades...foreword
  • Veth "Der Arzt...", 1927: title page
  • Baptismal syringes, 17thC
  • Title page from Hirsch, Die allgemeinen acuten Infectionskrankheiten, 1881
  • Portrait of John Neville Colley Davis-Colley