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746 results
  • The instructor: or young man's best companion. Containing, spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetick ... To which is added ... a compendium of ... geography and astronomy / [George Fisher].
  • The instructor: or young man's best companion. Containing, spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetick ... To which is added ... a compendium of ... geography and astronomy / [George Fisher].
  • The instructor: or young man's best companion. Containing, spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetick ... To which is added ... a compendium of ... geography and astronomy / [George Fisher].
  • Front cover of 'Chodo Zue'; A collection of monochrome designs for 'tansu' and acessories like boxes for combs and writing sets; the compiler Aoki Hisakuni is otherwise unknown
  • Double page from 'Chodo Zue'; A collection of monochrome designs for 'tansu' and acessories like boxes for combs and writing sets; the compiler Aoki Hisakuni is otherwise unknown
  • The instructor: or young man's best companion. Containing, spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetick ... To which is added ... a compendium of ... geography and astronomy / [George Fisher].
  • Information on how to protect yourself against the HIV virus and AIDS in wavy writing with an information line; advertisement by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • A Chinese courtroom (?): a woman is shown being beaten, as she kneels before a formally-dressed official, who is writing at a desk. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 1780/1880?.
  • Information on how to protect yourself against the HIV virus and AIDS in wavy writing with an information line; advertisement by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • Saint Paul staying in the house of Aquila and his wife Priscilla in Corinth; the family are making tents and Saint Paul is writing. Engraving by J. Sadeler after Jodocus Winghe.
  • An education official about to conduct school entrance examinations; carrying a folded writing table, a sealed bag containing examination questions and a covered wicker basket. Watercolour by Zhou Pei Qun, ca. 1890.
  • The pardoxal [sic] discourses of M.F. van Helmont, concerning the macrocosm and microcosm: or, the greater and lesser world and their union / Set down in writing by J.B. and now published.
  • An old man sits at a table beneath a window; a book and some writing implements are on the table; an old woman is stoking a fire and pulling on a chain. Engraving.
  • An enthroned figure speaks to a visitor while a woman in the forefront waits for her thoughts to settle before writing on a sheet of paper. Gouache by a Chinese artist, ca. 1850.
  • The pardoxal [sic] discourses of M.F. van Helmont, concerning the macrocosm and microcosm: or, the greater and lesser world and their union / Set down in writing by J.B. and now published.
  • A guardroom: an officer holds up a map to show to a man smoking a long pipe, another man sits at a writing desk, others talk in the doorway. Engraving by J. Houbraken after C. Troost.
  • Genealogical table of the Franconian line of the Hohenzollern arranged in circular writing in the shape of the Prussian royal crown surrounding the complete set of coats of arms of the line. Engraving by M. Buchinger.
  • King David is playing the harp as a boy holds open a book of music for him to follow and a woman sits at a writing desk in the background. Engraving by A. van Buysen, ca. 1728.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • A man seated in a barrel with his head under a glass canopy; he breathes and his pulse is taken; Lavoisier dictates to his wife who is writing a report. Drawing attributed to M.A.P. Lavoisier, ca. 1790.
  • Saint Cassian of Imola: (top) as a schoolmaster he receives the written work of his pupils on tablets; (below) his martyrdom, he is killed by his pupils with the styluses that they used for writing on the tablets. Etching.
  • A man approaches another man sitting writing at a desk in an office setting representing a message that it is safe to work with an HIV infected person; an AIDS prevention advertisement for the NGO AIDS Cell Centre for Community Medicine in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A man asleep in a chair, having his hair or wig powdered by a male hair-dresser; a woman sits next to him and a French cook reads to him from a list; in the background a courier is stealing something from a writing desk. Engraving by J. Goldar, 1771, after Pugh.
  • Dear Friends : I am writing to let you know the latest news on the "IX International Conference on AIDS" and "IV World Congress of STD", according to the guidelines established at the end of November, at the last meeting of the International Steering Committee  ... / Mabel Bianco, Focal Person of the AIDS Women's Caucus.
  • An ink fountain pen next to an unfolded piece of writing paper bearing the German words "I/you/he/they ... can't get AIDS from kissing" with the words "AIDS affects us all" circled in the middle; an advertisement for condoms as a protection against AIDS by the German Ministry of Health. Colour lithograph by Marat.
  • Selected writings of John Hughlings Jackson: frontispiece.
  • Portrait of F.M. van Helmont with cabbalist writings.