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426 results
  • Sections through diseased bones affected by osteochodritis (caused by syphilis), spondylitis and osteomyelitis. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • Severely diseased tissue on the upper lip of a woman suffering from tertiary syphilis. Watercolour by C. D'Alton, 1869.
  • VIH / sida... : et si j'ai pris un risque? ... : Sida, Hépatites, syphilis, où en êtes-vous? / AIDES.
  • VIH / sida... : et si j'ai pris un risque? ... : Sida, Hépatites, syphilis, où en êtes-vous? / AIDES.
  • Back of a woman suffering from skin covered in a rash caused by syphilis. Watercolour by C. D'Alton, 1862.
  • Prevention and treatment of syphilis and gonorrhoea, and their effect on the children of people infected. Colour lithograph, ca. 1950.
  • An opening into taking care : condoms can prevent: chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, HIV infection, syphilis, other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • An opening into taking care : condoms can prevent: chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, HIV infection, syphilis, other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Face of a dead (?) man suffering from syphilis, showing a severely diseased nose. Pencil drawing by A. Legros, 1885.
  • Engraved emblem of Hercules choosing between Virtue and Vice, Vice taking off a mask and showing the deformities of syphilis.
  • Face of a dead (?) man suffering from syphilis, showing a severely diseased nose. Pencil drawing by A. Legros, 1885.
  • The hand of a patient suffering from syphilis, showing a palmar tuberculosquamus syphiloderm. Process print after a photograph, ca. 1905.
  • The swollen legs and the damaged feet of a woman with disease diagnosed as syphilis. Watercolour by C. D'Alton, 1868.
  • Sores and pustules on the hand and arms of a woman suffering from secondary syphilis. Watercolour by C. D'Alton, 1858.
  • The diseased genitals, groin, abdomen and upper legs of a man suffering from syphilis roseola. Watercolour by C. D'Alton, 18--.
  • The hand of a patient suffering from syphilis, showing a palmar papulotubercular spreading syphiloderm. Process print after a photograph, ca. 1905.
  • A man suffering from syphilis, displaying pustular syphiloderm lesions on his scalp and torso. Process print after a photograph, ca. 1905.
  • Face of a dead (?) man suffering from syphilis, showing a severely diseased nose. Watercolour with ink by A. Legros, 1885.
  • Face of a dead (?) man suffering from syphilis, showing a severely diseased nose. Watercolour with ink by A. Legros, 1885.
  • The open mouth of a man suffering from syphilis, showing diseased tissue under the tongue (?). Watercolour by C. D'Alton, 1856.
  • A woman representing syphilis; advertising Dr Abreu's sanatorium for syphilitics in Barcelona. Colour collotype by J. Thomas after R. Casas, ca. 1900.
  • A woman representing syphilis; advertising Dr Abreu's sanatorium for syphilitics in Barcelona. Colour collotype by J. Thomas after R. Casas, ca. 1900.
  • Dissections of diseased livers: four figures showing symptoms caused by hepatitis, syphilis, anfioma cavernosum and pylephlebitis. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • A soldier eyes a prostitute; the same soldier later suffers from syphilis or another sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph by Blas, 1936/1939.
  • International congress on the social control of syphilis: the organising committee seated outside the Dermatology Clinic, hôpital Fournier, Nancy. Process print, 1928.
  • Consultations de dépistage anonyme et gratuit : hépatites B et C, Sida, syphilis : où en êtes-vous? / Conseil général de l'Essonne.
  • Consultations de dépistage anonyme et gratuit : hépatites B et C, Sida, syphilis : où en êtes-vous? / Conseil général de l'Essonne.
  • Consultations de dépistage anonyme et gratuit : hépatites B et C, Sida, syphilis : où en êtes-vous? / Conseil général de l'Essonne.
  • Consultations de dépistage anonyme et gratuit : hépatites B et C, Sida, syphilis : où en êtes-vous? / Conseil général de l'Essonne.
  • Consultations de dépistage anonyme et gratuit : hépatites B et C, Sida, syphilis : où en êtes-vous? / Conseil général de l'Essonne.