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  • Interior of a Turkish temple with the shrine of the Spring of the Miraculous Fishes, Baloukli. Engraving by J. Tingle after T. Allom.
  • A young mother with her children in religious contemplation before a shrine of the Virgin and Child. Engraving by C. Rolls after P. Williams.
  • Men, women, and children praying at a shrine by the roadside during the 1873 cholera epidemic in Poland. Wood engraving by H. Woods, 1873.
  • Lourdes, France: the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes: petitions to the Virgin Mary placed in a hollow at the shrine. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • Japan: a woman and a boy returning from a shrine, amused and startled to see drunk man dancing in the street. Colour woodcut, ca. 1900.
  • Four actors at a shrine: two as menials or attendants: one as a fashionable young samurai and one as a girl. Colour woodcut by Kuniyoshi, 1847/1850.
  • A Chinese man taking an oath before a shrine to the god Paak-tai, while another man prepares to decapitate a cock. Ink drawing, China, 18--?.
  • A young barefoot shepherdess and a little girl take refuge near a shrine during a storm. Lithograph by Z. Belliard after M.-Ph. Coupin de La Couperie.
  • Chinese festival of Tu-Ti (the Earth God): men and women are shown celebrating beside a shrine, accompanied by a group of musicians. Ink drawing, China, 18--?.
  • An Indian man wearing elaborate jewellery and make-up, squatting in front of a small table on which is a shrine, perhaps in a temple. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • Kandy, Sri Lanka: the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall at the shrine of the tooth of the Buddha. Gouache by H. M. Paget, 1901, after S.P. Hall.
  • Chinese festival of Tu-Ti (the Earth God): a group of men are shown playing a game beside a shrine, accompanied by three others playing drums, watched by a woman and two children. Ink drawing, China, 18--?.
  • Two women at a shrine; a kite is resting on a box and bundle on the right; part of a ceremonial gate is visible on the left and a stone lantern is seen beyond. Colour woodcut, ca. 1800.
  • Relief in form of a shrine: centre Asklepios; behind him his two doctor sons Podalerios and Machaon; his 3 daughters: Iaso, Akeso and Panakeia. Opposite 4 worshippers, in first plan 2 youths. Behind drawn the head of a maid-servant, with a basket of offerings on her head. At feet of god a sacrificial pig.
  • Nepal; street of dentists, Kathmandu 1986. In 1982, there were 17 government-trained dental surgeons in Nepal, some of whom practised in this street. For those too fearful or who could not afford to visit one of these surgeries, a nearby shrine was dedicated to Vaisha Dev, the god of toothache. Surrounding the god was a plank of wood into which thousands of nails had been driven. Planting a nail was believed to get rid of toothache by pinning down all evil spirits and influences.
  • Gébel Silsileh, Egypt: shrines in ruins; local people in the foreground. Photograph by Pascal Sébah, ca. 1875.
  • Balarāma, Subhadrā and Jagannāth in three shrines surmounted by winged domes. Oil painting by a painter of Puri, Odisha, ca. 1880/1910.
  • Nepal; town life in the Khumbu, 1986. Namche Bazar (altitude 3446 metres), a bustling and prosperous market town, is the largest Sherpa settlement in the Khumbu. Many of its Tibetan-style houses devote the ground floor to animal shelters while the family lives upstairs. Most have windows and doors at the front of the building only, the back being built into the side of the mountain. Firewood is stacked against walls, and small terraced fields grow staples (potatoes, barley, wheat). At left is a Buddhist shrine or stupa, on each side of which is painted the eyes of the Buddha. Prayer flags are strung out from its summit.
  • Double picture: Queen Shrimati Pramila Rani holding court for a horse sacrifice ; a battle between Arjuna and his demon army and Vabhruvahana and his human army. Transfer lithograph.
  • Memory wall with saints and ancestors.
  • Thebes - Deir el Bahari, Temple of Queen Hatshepsut - relief on a wall of the Queen.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin): a daughter praying to the Virgin for her sick mother. Etching by B. Pinelli.
  • Ruins of the Temple of Aesculapius, Isola Tiberina, Rome.
  • Epidaurus, site of the temple of Aesculapius. The ramp in the centre is where the entry to the temple was. It was constructed to enable bed-ridden patients to be wheeled into the temple.
  • Kamakura, Japan: the Grand Temple of Kamakura, in wooded country. Photograph by W.P. Floyd, ca. 1873.
  • China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Foochow, Fukien province, China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1870/1871.
  • A clay-baked face Roman votive offering
  • A clay-backed hand. Roman votive offering
  • A clay-baked teeth. Roman votive offering