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1,509 results
  • Top left, gamebirds watching in safety while hunters and poachers shoot each other; top right, a graveyard for colonial institutions in Africa; bottom left, spoonbills (birds) made of teapots and spoons; bottom centre, two men talking about a hen and some ducklings; bottom right, a weather vane in the form of a man holding a gun. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1831.
  • A triumphant American slave woman representing quassia (ingredient in acoholic drinks) is carried aloft by two brewers; representing the outcry against a tax on private brewing (?). Etching by J. Gillray, 1806.
  • The stall of a print seller in Paris: customers look at prints pegged on a line and in portfolios. Etching by J. Duplessi-Bertaux, ca. 1813.
  • A tailor and his wife are assisting two men into suits of clothing, although the clothes are ill-fitting. Etching.
  • Roger Bacon: the tower known as Roger Bacon's study, Oxford. Coloured line engraving by M.A. Rooker, ca. 1780.
  • An artist's easel with the figure of a man holding a large paint brush. Etching by L. Truchy after Du Viviez.
  • A crowded street in London. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1812.
  • A man walking along a country path is attacked by a bodysnatcher hiding behind a brick wall, who asphyxiates him by thrusting a heart-shaped plaster in his face. Coloured etching by Dickey Fubs, 1828.
  • Baron Donderdronkdickdorff and Miss Quoltz: after their wedding, they quarrel and are surprised by a servant. Etching, 1810, attributed to I. Cruikshank and/or G. Cruikshank.
  • While Lady Buckingham is gambling with her cronies, her husband enters to report the theft of the bank. Etching by James Gillray, 1797.
  • A barber playing the tragic role of Alexander the Great in the acting style of David Garrick. Mezzotint after R. Dighton.
  • A monster representing the miscegenated state of the theatre, combining tragedy, comedy, and pantomime. Coloured etching by S. De Wilde, 1807, after "Sylvester Scrutiny".
  • Adam and Eve and the serpent; advertising an exhibition on sexually transmitted diseases at Altonaer Museum Hamburg. Colour lithograph after P.O. Rössler, 1926.
  • Laying a cable on the Atlantic seabed: the crew of the Great Eastern launching a buoy in an attempt to retrieve a lost cable. Coloured lithograph by E. Walker, 1866, after R.C. Dudley.
  • The preacher George Whitefield standing on a table and preaching to a crowd of supporters in London while he is insufflated by a devil. Etching, 1763.
  • La belle Espagnole, - ou - la doublure de Madame Tallien.
  • The death of Saint Julian at the monastery of la Trappe. Stipple engraving by F. Haward, 1784, after A. Zucchi.
  • Queen Caroline, wife of King George IV, is greeted by people from Marylebone. Etching by Th. Hook, 1820.
  • Five elderly ladies caricatured as young women performing a sacrifice in a classical tableau. Etching by J. Gillray, 1787.
  • A Savoyard girl standing near to a fire place playing the hurdy-gurdy. Stipple engraving by G. Sherlock, 1799, after W. Hogarth.
  • King George IV and the Marchioness of Conyngham grieve over the body of a dead giraffe, which had been sent to them by Mehmet Ali, Pasha of Egypt. Lithograph attributed to J. Doyle, 1829.
  • William Pitt the younger as an obstetrician and medicine vendor, accompanied by Henry Dundas as his assistant, disputing with Napoleon Bonaparte their respective medicinal remedies for the delivery of Europe. Etching after C. Ansell (?), 1800.
  • William Pitt the younger as an obstetrician and medicine vendor, accompanied by Henry Dundas as his assistant, disputing with Napoleon Bonaparte their respective medicinal remedies for the delivery of Europe. Etching after C. Ansell (?), 1800.
  • A woman is playing the harp as she and  her male companion sing together, representing a man and a woman in love. Etching by James Gillray.
  • The Empress Josephine walking with her retinue in a garden of labelled potted plants which include animated likenesses of prominent figures. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1814.
  • George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph 1826.
  • George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph 1826.
  • A man preaching to a crowd. Engraving after Raphael.
  • A family is about to return from their holiday in a London townhouse. Etching by George Cruikshank after S.K.
  • A family is about to return from their holiday in a London townhouse. Etching by George Cruikshank after S.K.