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  • A man embraces a female figure holding an anchor who is standing on a sack filled with money while Death enters the room. Etching.
  • A man in religious clothing standing on a balcony is handing out money to the crowd below him. Watercolour drawing by Le Sueur (?).
  • An eye specialist (Monsieur Macaire) trying to convince a patient to spend more money on treatment. Coloured lithograph by H. Daumier after C.  Philipon.
  • An old man leans over a table counting the money in his hand as a girl peeps through the door. Etching by T. Sibson.
  • A hue and cry after a man-midwife [i.e. Hugh Chamberlen], who has lately deliver'd the Land-Bank of their money / [Anon].
  • An elderly seated man proffering money to a young woman, overlooked by a young man climbing in through the window. Drawing by B. Pinelli.
  • We aim to counsel everyone within 24 hours and give positive reactions to requests for money from the Hardship Fund / The Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • William Allen, portrayed as an alchemist with several furnaces, the one which he stokes is labelled "Matter o'money". Coloured etching by T. Jones, 1827.
  • William Allen, portrayed as an alchemist with several furnaces, the one which he stokes is labelled "Matter o'money". Coloured etching by T. Jones, 1827.
  • A man in a coat and top hat hands money to an old beggar with a dog, as another well-dressed man stands by. Lithograph.
  • The Roman emperor Valens pours money into a coffer; an officer is arrested and led to prison. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • Doncaster Pharmaceuticals Ltd : Bank rate up! - Interest charges up! Why tie your money up in bulk buying? Competetive prices in our October generics offer.
  • A Jewish military "money surgeon" searches the mouth of a prisoner of war for gold fillings (?), others watch and wait. Coloured pen and ink drawing.
  • Doncaster Pharmaceuticals Ltd : Bank rate up! - Interest charges up! Why tie your money up in bulk buying? Competetive prices on our November generics offer.
  • Doncaster Pharmaceuticals Ltd : Bank rate up! - Interest charges up! Why tie your money up in bulk buying? Competetive prices in our October generics offer.
  • Doncaster Pharmaceuticals Ltd : Bank rate up! - Interest charges up! Why tie your money up in bulk buying? Competetive prices on our November generics offer.
  • A man sitting on a bench appealing for money for people with liver disease: "Without a liver--no life". Colour lithograph for Maag Lever Darm Stichting, 2001.
  • A woman entering a doorway holds her hand out with money in it to the family gathered on the doorstep. Engraving by J. Saddler after G. Doré.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Save some housekeeping money and feed the family better than ever before! : Start saving now for a glorious holiday in the summer! / National Milk Publicity Council.
  • Arabian doctors perform bleeding on poor Italian people; money jets out with the blood; signifying learned Arabs fleecing the poor. Etching by G.M. Mitelli after himself, 1699.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: a queue of hospital visitors with a nurse collecting money for the hospital. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • An armless veteran of the Hôtel des Invalides is hired as a guide for visitors, in order that he take no money from them. Coloured lithograph by Cham.
  • A blacksmith working in his forge, and discussing money with two customers, while a boy shoes a horse. Engraving by C.W. Sharpe after J.M.W. Turner.
  • An anxious patient checking with his dentist that that if he has gas anesthesia he will not be robbed of his money. Wood engraving after L. Raven-Hill, 1908.
  • The good Samaritan bringing the half-dead traveller to the inn and providing money for his recovery. Line engraving by J. Taylor after a painting attributed to G. Dou.
  • 22 carat : the best that money can buy - in gold, but - read what famous doctors, dentists & dieticians say - about bread & flour / Allinson Ltd.
  • 22 carat : the best that money can buy - in gold, but - read what famous doctors, dentists & dieticians say - about bread & flour / Allinson Ltd.