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149 results
  • Pathogenesis and remedies: chaore (tidal fever), Chinese
  • A girl returns to her family home in the village where her fine clothes and shoes are burnt by her father and she is given a peasant dress to wear. Lithograph by Thos. & Wm. Fairland, 1832, after P.E. Destouches.
  • A girl returns to her family home in the village where her fine clothes and shoes are burnt by her father and she is given a peasant dress to wear. Lithograph by Thos. & Wm. Fairland, 1832, after P.E. Destouches.
  • "Take it on sugar" : Faulding's "Emu" brand eucalyptus oil : "The spirit of the tree" / distilled by F.H. Faulding & Co. Ltd.
  • Chinese opium smokers in a saloon experiencing various effects of the drug. Engraving by G. Paterson, 1843, after T. Allom.
  • Chinese opium smokers in a saloon experiencing various effects of the drug. Engraving by G. Paterson, 1843, after T. Allom.
  • A man (Woo Kinshing), facing front, with a massive tumour on the left side of his trunk. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, 1837.
  • A lady holding a fan in her right hand: an animal jumps out of her wig and bites the barber on the nose, forcing him to wear a black patch. Woodcut and letterpress.
  • Paul Ferdinand Gachet. Etching by V. van Gogh, 1890.
  • Paul Ferdinand Gachet. Etching by V. van Gogh, 1890.
  • C14 Chinese medication chart: Beri-beri etc.
  • Paul Ferdinand Gachet. Etching by V. van Gogh, 1890.
  • Thomas Dromgoole speaking at a meeting of the Catholic Board in Dublin; represented as Doctor Drum "letting the cat out of the bag". Coloured etching, 1813.
  • A man (Choo Yihleang), facing front, with a massive spherical tumour on the right side of his neck. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, 1838.
  • A blacksmith working in his forge, and discussing money with two customers, while a boy shoes a horse. Engraving by C.W. Sharpe after J.M.W. Turner.
  • The first stone and inlaid coins of Holloway prison. Lithograph by C.M. Firth.
  • Newgate Prison, London: visitors talking to prisoners through a grill. Wood engraving by W.B. Gardner, 1873, after M. Fitzgerald.
  • A young man removes his hat as he is introduced to a young lady by an older man. Engraving by W. Basell after himself, 1842.
  • Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, with a whip in one hand and a letter in the other, mounted on an ass with a human head. Etching with engraving, 1745.
  • Troops attending a muster in Scotland play the game of popinjay, watched by crowds of local people. Engraving by J. Carter, 1836, after R.B. Davis.
  • A woman winks as she holds up a condom with the face of a man behind with numerous messages about condoms and how to use them; advertisement by the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health. Colour lithograph by Art Chantry.
  • A woman (Yang She), facing front, with a massive pendent tumour hanging down from her neck. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, 1837.
  • Mary Squires the fortune teller foretells the future to Sir John Hill: she indicates that she has support from the Lord Mayor of London. Etching, 1753.
  • A cobbler sits on a stool in front of a wooden jointed figure which he has created in order to give himself respect. Engraving by J. Neagle after H. Singleton.
  • Christ healing a paralysed man lowered from the roof of a house in Capernaum. Engraving.
  • Vitex agnus-castus var. latifolia
  • A verger's dream; Saints Cosmas and Damian, 1495
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A boy, dressed as Saint John the Baptist for a procession in Venice. Wood engraving by W. Hollidge after F.W.W. Topham, 1870.
  • New College, Belsize, London. Wood engraving by C.D. Laing after B. Sly, 1851.