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127 results
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Kon-btsun De-mo in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Brahmā (Tibetan Tshaṅs-pa, the pure one) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Kon-btsun De-mo in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Kon-btsun De-mo in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Brahmā (Tibetan Tshaṅs-pa, the pure one) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Brahmā (Tibetan Tshaṅs-pa, the pure one) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Brahmā (Tibetan Tshaṅs-pa, the pure one) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Two elders: Nāgasena (Tibetan kLu'i-sde) (above) and Panthaka (Tibetan Lam-bstan) (below). Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Two elders: Nāgasena (Tibetan kLu'i-sde) (above) and Panthaka (Tibetan Lam-bstan) (below). Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Two elders: Nāgasena (Tibetan kLu'i-sde) (above) and Panthaka (Tibetan Lam-bstan) (below). Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Cimara (gNod-sbyin rTsiu-dmar-po) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Cimara (gNod-sbyin rTsiu-dmar-po) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Cimara (gNod-sbyin rTsiu-dmar-po) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Cimara (gNod-sbyin rTsiu-dmar-po) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Episodes in the life of gYu-thog Yon-tan mGon-po (Yuthok) and his ancestors. Distemper painting by Chundu, 1970.
  • dPal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Grags-mo brGyal (Dorje Dragmogyel) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Grags-mo brGyal (Dorje Dragmogyel) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Grags-mo brGyal (Dorje Dragmogyel) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Grags-mo brGyal (Dorje Dragmogyel) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje Grags-mo brGyal (Dorje Dragmogyel) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • The Buddha Sakyamuni seated on a lotus in a landscape containing scenes of his life and death. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • The Buddha Sakyamuni seated on a lotus in a landscape containing scenes of his life and death. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Yama Dharmarāja (Yama Dam-can Chos-kyi rGyal-po) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Yama Dharmarāja (Yama Dam-can Chos-kyi rGyal-po) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of Yama Dharmarāja (Yama Dam-can Chos-kyi rGyal-po) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Two Buddhist elders: sBed-byed (Gopaka), holding a book (above); Mi-phyed (Abheda), holding a reliquary (below). Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje 'Jigs-byed (Sanskrit Vajrabhairava, 'the fear-inspiring one') in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje 'Jigs-byed (Sanskrit Vajrabhairava, 'the fear-inspiring one') in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of rDo-rje 'Jigs-byed (Sanskrit Vajrabhairava, 'the fear-inspiring one') in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.