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1,815 results
  • To the Eastern Dispensary in Great Alie Street : I recommend... believing... to be a proper object of this charity...day of... 179...
  • Two men burying the dead as part of the seven works of corporeal charity. Line engraving with etching by H. Nüsser after J. Kehren.
  • Saint Eufemia. May be Hope from a series of panels representing Faith, Hope and Charity. Not like any known representation of Saint Euphemia, bhut as she was cast into a river the anchor may be significant.
  • The three theological virtues (Hope, Faith and Charity) are standing near an altar above which the Holy Spirit is hovering, while the the four cardinal virtues (Temperance, Justice, Fortitude and Wisdom) are sitting in the foreground. Engraving.
  • [10 ΛΕΠΤΑ charity stamp showing a soldier with his right arm in a sling greeted by a woman holding a baby against  a red cross].
  • A scene showing alms-giving of food, water, clothes and money; in the midst of this Charity is seen with a Pelican on her head holding a Sacred Heart. Line engraving by H. Cock after P. Bruegel, 1559.
  • A woman holding three children one of whom is breast-feeding from her; representing charity. Line engraving by T. Verkruis after C. Sacconi after G. Reni.
  • Crusaid, the national fundraiser for Aids announce their central London charity shop : at 21a Upper Tachbrook Street, London SW1V 1SN ... / Crusaid.
  • Crusaid, the national fundraiser for Aids announce their central London charity shop : at 21a Upper Tachbrook Street, London SW1V 1SN ... / Crusaid.
  • Adventure Picures presents a film by Sally Potter based on the book by Virginia Woolf, Orlando : Tilda Swinton, with Quentin Crisp as Elizabeth I : Charity premiere and party in aid of London Lighthouse & Breakthrough : Wednesday March 10th 1993.
  • Adventure Picures presents a film by Sally Potter based on the book by Virginia Woolf, Orlando : Tilda Swinton, with Quentin Crisp as Elizabeth I : Charity premiere and party in aid of London Lighthouse & Breakthrough : Wednesday March 10th 1993.
  • Adventure Picures presents a film by Sally Potter based on the book by Virginia Woolf, Orlando : Tilda Swinton, with Quentin Crisp as Elizabeth I : Charity premiere and party in aid of London Lighthouse & Breakthrough : Wednesday March 10th 1993.
  • Adventure Picures presents a film by Sally Potter based on the book by Virginia Woolf, Orlando : Tilda Swinton, with Quentin Crisp as Elizabeth I : Charity premiere and party in aid of London Lighthouse & Breakthrough : Wednesday March 10th 1993.
  • Tower Records and Mercury Communications present Counter Revolution : a 24 hour charity event : on 1st December come to Tower Records, Piccadilly and help support World AIDS Day.
  • AVERT : AIDS Education & Research Trust : with compliments : 11-13 Denne Parade, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1JD, Telephone (01403) 210202 ... Registered charity No: 296357.
  • AVERT : AIDS Education & Research Trust : with compliments : 11-13 Denne Parade, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1JD, Telephone (0403) 210202 ... Registered charity No: 296357.
  • Food for thought... : food facts for healthy hearts from the British Heart Foundation, the heart research charity / written, designed and produced by Burnett Associates ; illustrated by Val Sassoon.
  • Food for thought... : food facts for healthy hearts from the British Heart Foundation, the heart research charity / written, designed and produced by Burnett Associates ; illustrated by Val Sassoon.
  • Food for thought... : food facts for healthy hearts from the British Heart Foundation, the heart research charity / written, designed and produced by Burnett Associates ; illustrated by Val Sassoon.
  • AVERT : with compliments : P.O. Box 91, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 7YR, Tel: (0403) 864010 : AIDS Virus Education & Research Trust : Reg. charity No: 296357.
  • [French charity stamp showing a woman gestuting towards a burning town, a French tricolore flag in her right urging people to buy nothing from the Germans: "N'achetez rien aux Allemands"].
  • To the house visitors of the Surrey Dispensary in Union-Street, near St. Margaret's-Hill, Southwark : gentlemen, I recommend... believing... to be a proper object of this charity...day of... 178...
  • [2 cents charity stamp showing a woman, a red cross below her right hand and a standard (?) / staff in her left. Dated 23 May 1915with reference to Callao in Peru].
  • To the house visitors of the Surrey Dispensary in Union-Street, near St. Margaret's-Hill, Southwark : gentlemen, I recommend... believing... to be a proper object of this charity...day of... 178...
  • A philosopher and virtuoso seated in an armchair: dissatisfied with his accomplishments, he points to the need for charity to the poor. Engraving by C.F. Stoelzel, 1774, after J.E. Schenau, 1773.
  • Are you a volunteer for The Food Chain : would you like to have more involvement in the oversight of the charity? ... the think about becoming a trustee of the Food Chain! / The Food Chain.
  • Are you a volunteer for The Food Chain : would you like to have more involvement in the oversight of the charity? ... the think about becoming a trustee of the Food Chain! / The Food Chain.
  • Angels drawn by children fly across red wires joined to syringes; advertising a family Christmas charity event in support of AIDS-affected children and their parents in Berlin. Colour lithograph for Kinder-AIDS-Forum e.V., 1993.
  • Recommended standards for NHS HIV services : endorsed by Department of Health, British HIV Association, National Association of NHS Providers of AIDS Care and Treatment for Medical Foundation & Sexual Health, a charity supported by the British Medical Association.
  • A woman stands in the crevice of a rock camouflaged by the same swirling rock patterns on her body; an advertisement for a charity auction for Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung based on the theme of 'Postive Living'. Colour lithograph, 1995.