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231 results
  • A warning about safe sex in German with a pink condom; one of a series of 'Stop AIDS' campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • The garden of health, containing the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the maner how they are to be used and applyed in medicine ... against divers diseases and infirmities most common amongst men / Gathered by ... William Langham.
  • The Panama Canal: the French Ministry of Justice discovers that the bank account of the company formed to build the canal is empty. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Baron de Reinach, one of the promoters of the canal, is forced to swallow poison. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: to determine whether he was fit to be extradited, two eminent physicians examine the stools of Dr Cornelius Herz, who had fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled to Bournemouth, reads in a newspaper that he is being sought by the police for his part in the mismanagement of the canal's financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing, lies in bed as a physician takes his pulse to determine whether he is seriously ill. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, one of those responsible for its financing, having fled France, spends his time fishing in Bournemouth. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: for an enquiry into its financing, a policeman guards a prison-cell in which some of the principals are remanded. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: the French Ministry of Justice opens an enquiry into its financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled to Bournemouth to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing, simulates illness to avoid extradition to France. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, one of those responsible for its financing, gets on a train to flee France after the collapse of the company. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: having fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing, Dr Cornelius Herz escapes extradition on the ground that he has a terminal illness, and lives happily in Bournemouth for fifteen years. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • Johannes Antonius Maginus. Line engraving by H. David, 1632, after himself.
  • Saint John the Baptist as a youth, in the wilderness, holding a cross. Engraving by P. Ghigi after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino, 18--.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • A choice manual of rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery ... / published by W.I., gent.
  • A youth wearing a tie with his jacket slung over his shoulder with the statement 'I learnt about AIDS in school'; an AIDS prevention advertisement for the NGO AIDS Cell Centre for Community Medicine in New Delhi. Colour lithograph by N.R. Nanda, ca. March 1994.
  • A message in lilac and pale blue lettering about being safe in new relationships with a condom within a lilac border; German version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Saint Antony Abbot. Engraving by G. Fosella, 1839, after D. Crespi.
  • Entrance to a mosque at Chunar, Uttar Pradesh. Coloured etching by William Hodges, 1786.
  • Patie Birnie, a fiddler. Wash drawing.
  • A father puts his arm around his son who reads a book while a mother holding a cup comforts her daughter; an AIDS prevention advertisement aimed at families for the NGO AIDS Cell Centre for Community Medicine in New Delhi. Colour lithograph by N.R. Nanda, ca. March 1994.
  • A cityscape with a bridge over a river. Wood engraving by C. Roberts.
  • De ratione motus musculorum ... / [Anon].
  • A nurse and a surgeon, both wearing gown and mask. Etching by H.A. Freeth.
  • De ratione motus musculorum ... / [Anon].
  • De ratione motus musculorum ... / [Anon].