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425 results
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • A drinking song set to music with an illustration of a drunken party. Engraving and etching by G. Bickham junior, 17--, after G. Monro and W. Hogarth.
  • An evil magician raises demons from a distillery tub as onlookers fall back amazed. Coloured aquatint, c. 1808, after S. De Wilde.
  • A man sits holding a large glass of wine, behind a man lights his pipe. Engraving by P. Chenu, 1743, after D. Teniers II.
  • An Indian man selling alcohol to a couple. Gouache drawing.
  • One man sits soundly sleeping as his drunken companion offers him another drink. Etching by T. Sandars, 1773, after J. Collier.
  • An Indian man selling alcohol to a couple. Gouache drawing.
  • A drunken party with sailors and their women drinking, smoking, and dancing wildly as a band plays. Reproduction of an etching by C. H., c. 1825, after G. Cruikshank.
  • Four jovial gentlemen in a tavern, one holds a bowl to the face of his drunk companion. Mezzotint by Maucourt, c. 1764, after himself.
  • A coachman holding a full tankard of beer in one hand and caressing a lady with the other; verses in Dutch, French and English below. Etching by J. Punt, 1756, after G. van der Myn.
  • A drunken scene in a beer shop with a young thief gambling. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848, after himself.
  • A drunken scene in a beer shop with a young thief gambling. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848, after himself.
  • A woman sits drinking as a man sleeps with his head on the table beside her. Engraving by L. Duval, early 19th century, after a design by J. Wicar after G. Terburg.
  • Six peasants carousing in a barn as a seventh man vomits in the corner. Etching by J. de Visscher, 17th century, after J. Danckerts.
  • Three men drinking in the light of a flame held by a boy. Aquatint by A. Bissell, c. 1800, after J. Trautmann.
  • A teenage girl wakes up in a strange bed after drinking too much the previous night. Colour lithograph for Nationaal Instituut voor Gezondheidsbevordering en Ziektepreventie, ca. 2000.
  • A group of drinkers are disrupted by a water pump telling them to take only "the pledge". Etching, c. 1844, after G. Cruikshank.
  • A poor London street strewn with hopeless drunkards and lined with gin shops and a flourishing pawnbroker. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • A poor London street strewn with hopeless drunkards and lined with gin shops and a flourishing pawnbroker. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • Three very drunken men unaware of "death", as a crowned skeleton, emerging from under the tablecloth. Engraving by S. Natim, c. 1815, after W. Craig.
  • Three very drunken men unaware of "death", as a crowned skeleton, emerging from under the tablecloth. Engraving by S. Natim, c. 1815, after W. Craig.
  • A liqueur label illustrated with the bust of a French seaman and sprigs of rosemary. Coloured engraving, 19th century.
  • A doctor trying to administer medicines to a drunken, carbuncled sailor. Coloured etching by W. Elmes after XYZ.
  • The effects of medicine and wine-drinking compared. Ink drawing, 18--.
  • Men drinking and smoking outside a house: drunken men seize women.. Engraving after S. Freudeberg.
  • A Vespetro label illustrated with tropical plants and animals. Lithograph by E. Goy, 19th century, after G. Brunner.
  • A man remarking to his friend, while out hunting, that he has put on weight; the other replies he is simply following doctor's orders. Wood engraving by G.D. Armour, 1899.
  • Whiteway's Cydrax (non-alcoholic) : cyder's "little sister" : blotter / Whiteways.
  • A Chinese (?) man working with distilling apparatus. Coloured engraving by A. Freschi, 1812.