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2,012 results
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • An essay on the diseases most fatal to infants. To which are added rules to be observed in the nursing of children: with a particular view to those who are brought up by hand ... / [George Armstrong].
  • A personified penis wearing a condom in bed to illustrate the use of condoms as a protection against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A personified penis holding a condom in a cosmetic jar, to illustrate the use of condoms as a protection against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A First Aid lesson in a school classroom: the teacher demonstrates with a small boy lying on a stretcher, watched by children seated in rows at wooden desks. Photograph, ca. 1920.
  • A personified penis throwing a lifebelt in the form of a condom to a drowning penis, to illustrate the use of condoms as a protection against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A cream condom with a gradually fading list of sexually transmitted diseases crossed out representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Consumption in Spain. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A cream condom with a gradually fading list of sexually transmitted diseases crossed out representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Consumption in Spain. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A cream condom with a gradually fading list of sexually transmitted diseases crossed out representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Consumption in Spain. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A black youth wearing a gold chain and bomber jacket leans against a wire fence with a warning about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases in the young; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph, 1993.
  • Smart : He does. Do you? Whatever state you are in, make love safely. Condoms help protect you from HIV (the virus which can lead to AIDS), sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy / Mainliners ; design by Big Active Ltd.
  • Smiling black and white youths holding up different childrens' books; a two-sided advertisement for the Macmillan Boleswa AIDS Awareness Programme in KwaZulu-Natal Schools supported by Mazda. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996 (?).
  • Sick and diseased children compared with healthy playing children: immunization in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • Notes taken by an anonymous student of lectures on Midwifery by Dr. Colin Mackenzie at the General Lying-in Hospital [afterwards Queen Charlotte's Hospital.] [Followed by] Diseases of children, with directions for the management of them. To which is added the symptoms by which you can distinguish their complaints, and the Materia Medica infantum [by] Dr. Osborn and Mr. Clark. The first leaf of text is dated January 29, 1770. Produced in London.
  • The seed heads of flowers flying like arrows towards the inner stamen of a yellow flower representing 'Love Question No 324', a warning that no pill in the world protects against unwanted sexually transmitted diseases; one of a series of safe sex AIDS prevention advertisements by Folkhälsoinstitutet, RFSU and RFSL. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995.
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician riding a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession that scares children; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician with a lancet riding on a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession, scaring children as they go; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician with a lancet riding on a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession, scaring children as they go; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • Tragopogon pratensis L. Asteraceae. Goatsbeard, Salsify, Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon. Distribution: Europe and North America. This is the Tragopogion luteum or Yellow Goats-beard of Gerard (1633) who recommended them boiled until tender and then buttered as being more delicious than carrots and parsnips and very nutritious for those sick from a long lingering disease. Boiled in wine they were a cure for a 'stitch' in the side. In the USA children collect the milky sap onto a piece of glass and, when dry, chew it as bubble-gum. The name 'Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon' referes to the flowers which close at noon and the spherical radiation of seed plumules which then appear. Salsify is now applied as a name for T. porrifolius and Scorzonera hispanica. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Tragopogon pratensis L. Asteraceae Goats beard, Salsify, Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon. Distribution: Europe and North America. This is the Tragopogion luteum or Yellow Goats-beard of Gerard (1633) who recommended them boiled until tender and then buttered as being more delicious than carrots and parsnips and very nutritious for those sick from a long lingering disease. Boiled in wine they were a cure for a 'stitch' in the side. In the USA children collect the milky sap onto a piece of glass and, when dry, chew it as bubble-gum. The name 'Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon' referes to the flowers which close at noon and the spherical radiation of seed plumules which then appear. Salsify is now applied as a name for T. porrifolius and Scorzonera hispanica. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Tragopogon pratensis L. Asteraceae. Goatsbeard, Salsify, Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon. Distribution: Europe and North America. This is the Tragopogion luteum or Yellow Goats-beard of Gerard (1633) who recommended them boiled until tender and then buttered as being more delicious than carrots and parsnips and very nutritious for those sick from a long lingering disease. Boiled in wine they were a cure for a 'stitch' in the side. In the USA children collect the milky sap onto a piece of glass and, when dry, chew it as bubble-gum. The name 'Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon' referes to the flowers which close at noon and the spherical radiation of seed plumules which then appear. Salsify is now applied as a name for T. porrifolius and Scorzonera hispanica. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities: or, the ingenius gentlewoman and servant-maids delightful companion. Containing many excellent things for the accomplishment of the female sex ... (1.) The art of distilling. (2.) Making artificial wines. (3.) Making syrups. ... (8) To make beautifying-waters, oyls, pomatums musk-balls, perfumes, &c. (9) Physical and chyrurgical receipts. (10.) The duty of a wet nurse; and to know and cure diseases in children, &c. ... (14.) The accomplished dairy-maids directions, &c. (15.) The judicious midwives directions, how women in travail before and after delivery ought to be used; as also the child; and what relates to the preservation of them both. To which is added a second part, containing directions for the guidance of a young gentlewomen. As to her behavior & seemly deportment / [J.S. (John Shirley)].
  • The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities: or, the ingenius gentlewoman and servant-maids delightful companion. Containing many excellent things for the accomplishment of the female sex ... (1.) The art of distilling. (2.) Making artificial wines. (3.) Making syrups. ... (8) To make beautifying-waters, oyls, pomatums musk-balls, perfumes, &c. (9) Physical and chyrurgical receipts. (10.) The duty of a wet nurse; and to know and cure diseases in children, &c. ... (14.) The accomplished dairy-maids directions, &c. (15.) The judicious midwives directions, how women in travail before and after delivery ought to be used; as also the child; and what relates to the preservation of them both. To which is added a second part, containing directions for the guidance of a young gentlewomen. As to her behavior & seemly deportment / [J.S. (John Shirley)].
  • A turquoise background bearing the white lettering: "L'AIDS e i bambini: un tema che concerne il medico e i genitori." [AIDS and children: a subject that concerns the doctor and parents]; an advertisement by the Swiss Physicians [FMH] and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health [UFSP]. Colour lithograph.
  • Head of a girl; representing children with AIDS. Colour lithograph after C. Gramespacher, 199-.
  • A black woman stands by a cot with a mobile representing a mother whose baby has AIDS; advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lithograph, 1993.
  • Services provided by AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • A black mother with her daughter and son with a message about how a mother tells her children about AIDS; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph.
  • A child's drawing of a smiling figure wearing a hat and appearing to hold numerous balloons beneath a personified sun and grass littered with red flowers; an illustration by Vasna [?] representing an advertisement for an information helpline for children with HIV by Poenki vzw - Positief en Kind [[HIV] Positive and Child]. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.