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2,498 results
  • A man points to a poster bearing AIDS prevention messages in a village in Venezuela with a church at the centre; an AIDS prevention advertisement supported by OPL-SIDA and the Office of Panamerican Health. Colour lithograph by Felix Rodriguez, 1992.
  • The back view of a naked man and woman walking hand in hand representing a safe-sex and AIDS-prevention advertisement to promote World AIDS Day by the Japanese Women's AIDS Foundation in association with the cosmetic company, Sheseido. Colour lithograph, 1988.
  • A man sticks a finger with a condom into the mouth of a woman while putting the nose of the woman also wearing a condom into his mouth representing a safe form of sex; an advertisement for an AIDS Benefit musica event entitled 'Let's Play Safe' on 5th May 1987 at Diskothek U4, Meidling [Vienna] by the Österreichische AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph, 1987.
  • A naked woman and a suited man reach towards a condom packet as a man dressed in a long black cloak and hat holding a cat looms up behind with the moon beyond; a safe sex and anti-AIDS advertisement by Infoshare International. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A man apparently with an STD looking alarmed as he holds up a sheet to cover his genital area; with three further anxious men and women with similar complaints to the right; a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • An illustrated fact sheet about what people should know about AIDS. Colour lithograph by the Voluntary Health Assocation of India, ca. 1995.
  • A man with his wife and family crosses a zebra crossing while swivelling his head back to admire two passing women representing a warning about the risks of new sexual partners and AIDS; an advertisement by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • An information sheet on HIV and AIDS and prevention measures with cartoon characters and a world map highlighting the statistics of the AIDS epidemic; an advertisement by.
  • An illustrated message about how AIDS spreads; an advertisement for the National AIDS Control Organisation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Goverment of India. Colour lithograph by March 1993.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STD's and AIDS; a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STDs and AIDS (Hindi version); a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A black woman stands by a cot with a mobile representing a mother whose baby has AIDS; advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lithograph, 1993.
  • A woman leans on her forearms below the words 'What have you got against a condom?'; advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lithograph.
  • A man wearing a polo neck jumper below the words 'What have you got against a condom?'; advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lithograph.
  • Numerous faces make up a map of the world; representation of AIDSCOM, a project to educate the public about AIDS. Colour lithograph by Siguenza, 1988.
  • A red apple forming the tip of a penis with a quote from Albert Camus: 'La felicidad es generosa ... no vive de destrucción' [Happiness is ... generous destruction of lives] and the letters 'SIDA' in each corner; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Santiago Pol, 1994.
  • A woman holding a baby representing women at risk for HIV; as part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph by Calder Bateman and Darklight Studios.
  • A woman welcoming a female patient at a health clinic in India; with further smaller illustrations relating to the ways in which AIDS can be transmitted including a couple having unprotected sex, blood transfusions, pregnancy and injecting drugs; an AIDS prevention advertisement by NGO-AIDS Cell, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS. Colour lithograph by Unesco/Aidthi Workshop, March 1995.
  • A gun shooting a condom amidst an explosion made of a star bearing white roses and the letters 'safe sex guerilla'; advertisement for safe sex to protect against AIDS by the Safe Sex Guerrilla's. Lithograph.
  • White linen embroidered with a flower and the initials 'SC' with a letterpress narrative describing its role in protecting the artist from AIDS. Colour silk screen print after S. Calle, 1993.
  • Women from different professions with one figure blanked out in white representing a warning to women about AIDS; advertisement by the NAC/IEC (National AIDS Commission), Belize. Colour lithograp by Artworks/Visual Impact, 1993.
  • A man and woman from Laos hold hands within the blue outline of a heart shape with the word 'AIDS' within a circular logo below representing an AIDS prevention advertisement. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A couple in embroidered dress with pointed headpieces performing a Thai dance; an AIDS awareness advertisement by the Program on AIDS Thai Red Cross Society. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A headless white figure with an erect penis running to the right with a moon to the left against a black background; a 'Stop AIDS' advertisement. Lithograph by L. Drewinski.
  • A couple in embroidered dress with pointed headpieces performing a Thai dance; an AIDS awareness advertisement by the Program on AIDS Thai Red Cross Society. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A map of Kuwait in the national colours of red, black, green and white with silhouette black figures of men, women and children within a circle bordered at the top by Arabic script: the logo for the Kuwait National AIDS Committee; within a blue backdrop containing a boy dressed in a brown uniform with a cap representing a warning about AIDS in Kuwait. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • A group of men, women and child from Laos in both traditional and western dress representing an AIDS prevention advertisement. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • An illustrated information sheet in Hindi showing 4 ways in which AIDS is and is not contracted. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A group of men and women, some dressed in saris, and a man with a turban far right with a message in Indic about AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • The words 'AIDS' written in green spray paint across the page with AIDS-related words and a green publication containing the words "what each one must know" and the date "Fevrier 1987"; an advertisement for AIDS Information by the Ministère de la Santé, Luxembourg. Colour lithograph, 1987.