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75 results filtered with: Respiration Disorders - drug therapy
  • Beechams "B" puzzle : "B" is for Beechams, and many other things. See who can count the greatest number ...  / Beechams.
  • Directions for taking Crosby's Balsamic Cough Elixir / James M. Crosby.
  • Azufide : azufre en estado coloidal inyectable / Laboratorio Dr. Domingo Plasencia, S.A.
  • For coughs, colds, chest and throat ailments : Beechams Lung Syrup.
  • The modern medicament for relieving nasal catarrh, congestion, colds, hay fever, influenza, asthma, quinsy, bronchitis, sore throat or chest, headache, neuralgia, sprains, neuritis & rheumatic pains : Mentex / Foster McClellan Laboratories.
  • Pulmolisina bacterioterapia, anticatarral, quimoterapia anticatarral : Trichurol aumenta hemoglobina, elimina el tricocefalo / Laboratorios Nodarse S.A.
  • Tussipect : Das Expectorans aus Primula-Wurzel mit dem gewichtsmäßig exakt festgelegten Saponingehalt.
  • Bronch-Inhaler : for use in the home : unsurpassed for fine nebula and vaporisation, efficacious in all diseases of the respiratory organs- asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, whooping cough, croup, cold in the ear, and influenza / obtainable only from The Garnett-Pickles Co. Limited, Cromwell House, London W.C.1.
  • Disneina ... : Sulfoenterina ... / Laboratorios "Drean".
  • Protección Eupulman Infantil : via digestiva : Ulcocida / Laboratorios Vieta-Plasencia, S.A.
  • Caisán inyectable : quimoterapia de las vias respiratorias / Laboratorio Dr. Domingo Plasencia, S.A.
  • El tónico más.. + : Iodo-Peptonoids / The Arlington Chemical Company.
  • Asfixia? Libre respiración con Predasmal Organon : Benutrex B12 ... / Organon.
  • To all such as are used (or hereafter may have occasion) to take Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops ... : for curing, and immediately giving relief in all fevers, agues, rheumatism, gout, stone, gravel, asthmas, colds, coughs, and pains in the breast, limbs, and joints ... / B. Okell, W. and Cluer Dicey.
  • The modern medicament for relieving nasal catarrh, congestion, colds, hay fever, influenza, asthma, quinsy, bronchitis, sore throat or chest, headache, neuralgia, sprains, neuritis & rheumatic pains : Mentex / Foster McClellan Laboratories.