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336 results filtered with: Physician and patient
  • An aggressive colonel barging his way into a doctor's consulting-room demanding to have his liver inspected. Reproduction after a drawing by G.L. Stampa, 1926.
  • A young physician feeling the pulse of a young woman, a painting of two lovers in the background suggests her illness maybe lovesickness. Lithograph by L.E. Soulange-Teissier, 1850, after P.L.A.A. Terral.
  • A group of dandies stand by while a lady's dog receives an enema. Coloured engraving.
  • Sheridan presented as Francisco Pizarro presented as a physician; representing his loyalty to the British Crown against the Franch Revolution and Bonaparte. Coloured aquatint, 1799.
  • An elderly couple are advised to try artificial insemination. Process print after J.-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • A goat-headed man caresses a sleeping ewe-headed woman; representing the notion of animal magnetism and its application by physicians. Etching after M. Voltz (?), 1815.
  • A group of children playing at being doctors and pharmacists, mother and grandmother approach through a door. Photogravure after F. Hardy.
  • A doctor recommending a specific diet to his obese patient's servant. Wood engraving by G. Browne, 1899.
  • A German army doctor sits at a patient's bedside: a second soldier and a woman stand by. Coloured lithograph, c. 1870.
  • A gaunt adolescent consults a weary specialist. Colour process print after C. Josef, c. 1930.
  • Robert Macaire as a doctor selling, at a so-called 'free consultation', bottles of water for twenty francs each and glasses of water for 10 centimes each. Lithograph by H. Daumier, c. 1835.
  • A patient alarmed at his doctor's request that he abstain from alcohol for a month. Reproduction of a drawing after F. Reynolds, 1925.
  • A well known doctor giving a prescription to a patient and telling him if it doesn't work to come back. Reproduction of a drawing after G.L. Stampa, 1926.
  • A man taking a woman's pulse. Oil painting by Egbert van Heemskerck.
  • A male patient surrounded by his family discussing his illness with a physician. Engraving.
  • A physician feeling the pulse of a seated woman patient. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Alexander the Great demonstrating his trust in his physician Philip of Acarnania by drinking a medicinal draught prepared by him despite allegations that it was a poison. Mezzotint by V. Green, 1772, after B. West, the elder.
  • A physician feeling the pulse of a seated woman patient. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • A beautiful young woman being examined by a bald fat doctor. Chromolithograph.
  • A bewildered doctor checking the pulse of lovesick young woman, her concerned mother comforts her, in the background Cupid is grinning and pointing to one of his arrows. Coloured mezzotint by W. Ward, 1802, after J. Opie.
  • An old labourer consulting a doctor about his aches and pains. Wood engraving by B. Thomas, 1912.
  • An unsympathetic doctor giving a patient a prescription, telling her it doesn't matter whether she takes it or not. Reproduction of a drawing by G.L. Stampa, 1931.
  • A poor doctor takes the pulse of a rich, corpulent patient and announces that he is very ill. Lithograph after E.J. Pigal, c. 1840.
  • A doctor is delighted at confronting a full-blown case of cholera. Coloured lithograph by Cham, c. 1845.
  • A corpulent physician diagnoses more leeches for a young woman, who lies drained and bedbound. Lithograph by P. Numa, c. 1833.
  • John Bull about to be bled by three doctors; representing Britain's budget manipulated by the cabinet. Coloured etching by J. Phillips?, 1830.
  • A physician trying to take advantage of a young woman patient by visiting her at home while her husband is out. Coloured lithograph, 1852.
  • People engaged in pleasures (dancing, drinking, gaming, flirting) to counteract the pains of illness and old age. Line engraving attributed to O. van Veen (Vaenius).
  • Dr. Monro (physician to Bedlam) examining the straight jacketed and dishevelled Charles James Fox; representing the fall of the Coalition. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • A gouty patient having his pulse taken by a doctor; representing George IV's opposition to Catholic emancipation, and Wellington's support of it. Coloured etching by T. Jones, 1829.